martedì 20 settembre 2016

MK Media Key 339 - Novembre 2014

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MK Media Key 339 - Novembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Comunicazione | Media | Marketing | Professionisti
Mensile professionale di comunicazione, media e marketing.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 6,18 MB | 76 pagine

Fondi & Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio 70 - Dicembre 2014

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Fondi & Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio 70 - Dicembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Banche | Mercati | Professionisti
Fondi e Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio è il magazine mensile dedicato ai professionisti del risparmio, gestori, promotori, SGR, SICAV, SIM, Banche: uno strumento per conoscere e investire al meglio.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 6,78 MB | 68 pagine

DM Dirigenza Medica - Novembre 2014

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DM Dirigenza Medica - Novembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Amministrazione del Personale | Economia | Finanza | Professionisti
Organo ufficiale dell’Anaao-Assomed, Associazione medici dirigenti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 1,11 MB | 16 pagine

Comunicando [Guida al Packaging di Lusso 2014] 2014-05S - Ottobre 2014

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Comunicando [Guida al Packaging di Lusso 2014] 2014-05S - Ottobre 2014 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Pubblicità | Packaging
Comunicando è la rivista della brand identity attraverso il packaging, il design, il visualizing.
La sua focalizzazione spazia dai materiali below the line (packaging, shoppers, espositori di alta gamma, etichette, tecniche per la comunicazione degli eventi), ai criteri comunicativi applicati, al design e alle tendenze. È il riferimento di agenzie pubblicitarie, realtà creative e corporate finali per l’aggiornamento su materiali e novità ad alto contenuto di pensiero. È il crocevia della creatività che dialoga con la produzione che si fa scegliere dal buyer. È, da anni, il punto di riferimento per le sperimentazioni di alto livello da un punto di vista nobilitativo e di impatto estetico.
Con articoli di approfondimento sulla comunicazione applicata (packaging, shoppers, espositori d’alta gamma, etichette, publishing...), con speciali monotematici, con approfondimenti sui materiali (sempre diversi e sfiziosi) di cui Comunicando è fatta, con grandi interviste dedicate a grandi personaggi del mondo delle aziende, con il nuovo format “tendenze”, curato da professionisti di settore che ci regalano punti di vista ampi sulla comunicazione a 360°, con lo spazio editoriale ipse dixit (parlata ad alta voce di un esponente del mondo creativo) e io lo farei così (rivisitazione di un pack sul mercato a cura di creativi giovani vogliosi di crescere).

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
TRUE PDF | 36 pagine | 4,91 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 36 pagine | 5,42 MB

Il Fogliaccio degli Astratti 62 - Gennaio 2015

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Il Fogliaccio degli Astratti 62 - Gennaio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Irregolare | Giochi di Società | Ludica
La rivista è nata nel lontano 31 Luglio 2003,  inizialmente era un elenco di regolamenti, man mano che il tempo passa si è evoluta verso la storia ludica e analisi dei giochi.
Inizialmente veniva spedita sotto forma di testo al newsgroup it.hobby.giochi.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,81 MB | 52 pagine

Fluidotecnica 385 - Novembre & Dicembre 2014

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Fluidotecnica 385 - Novembre & Dicembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Oleodinamica | Pneumatica
Fluidotecnica è il supplemento di Progettare interamente dedicato al mondo dell’oleoidraulica e della pneumatica. In ogni numero, propone dettagliate informazioni relative a prodotti, novità e soluzioni progettuali che trovano impiego in ambito industriale e impiantistico, oltre a seguire da vicino il settore con notizie, approfondimenti tecnico-economici, rassegne merceologiche, interviste e tavole rotonde. Fluidotecnica è particolarmente vicina all’Assofluid (Associazione italiana dei costruttori e operatori del settore oleoidraulico e pneumatico) e alle aziende del settore, delle quali rappresenta l’interlocutore privilegiato.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 11,4 MB | 36 pagine

Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2014-20 - 15 Dicembre 2014

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Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2014-20 - 15 Dicembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Quindicinale | Tecnologia | Economia
Il nostro target vanta una connotazione unica e pregiata nel panorama dell'informazione digitale. Si tratta di amministratori delegati, manager, dirigenti, quadri, responsabili acquisti, decision maker del settore dell’Ict e delle aziende utilizzatrici oltre che dirigenti della pubblica amministrazione centrale e periferica, rappresentanti delle istituzioni, politici, mondo accademico, professionisti, giornalisti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,75 MB | 32 pagine

Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-01 - 19 Gennaio 2015

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Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-01 - 19 Gennaio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Quindicinale | Tecnologia | Economia
Il nostro target vanta una connotazione unica e pregiata nel panorama dell'informazione digitale. Si tratta di amministratori delegati, manager, dirigenti, quadri, responsabili acquisti, decision maker del settore dell’Ict e delle aziende utilizzatrici oltre che dirigenti della pubblica amministrazione centrale e periferica, rappresentanti delle istituzioni, politici, mondo accademico, professionisti, giornalisti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,25 MB | 32 pagine

lunedì 19 settembre 2016

Cancer World 12 - May & June 2006

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Cancer World 12 - May & June 2006 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 0,79 MB | 39 pagine

Cancer World 13 - July & August 2006

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Cancer World 13 - July & August 2006 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 0,71 MB | 45 pagine

Cancer World 14 - September & October 2006

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Cancer World 14 - September & October 2006 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 0,96 MB | 62 pagine

Cancer World 16 - January & February 2007

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Cancer World 16 - January & February 2007 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 2,01 MB | 49 pagine

Cancer World 17 - March & April 2007

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Cancer World 17 - March & April 2007 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 2,16 MB | 55 pagine

Cancer World 18 - May & June 2007

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Cancer World 18 - May & June 2007 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 3 MB | 48 pagine

Cancer World 19 - July & August 2007

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Cancer World 19 - July & August 2007 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 2,91 MB | 49 pagine

Cancer World 20 - Septembre & October 2007

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Cancer World 20 - Septembre & October 2007 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 1,51 MB | 50 pagine

Cancer World 34 - January & February 2010

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Cancer World 34 - January & February 2010 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 4,11 MB | 46 pagine

Cancer World 59 - March & April 2014

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Cancer World 59 - March & April 2014 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 10,5 MB | 49 pagine

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