sabato 10 ottobre 2015

AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 21 - May 2015

AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 21 - May 2015 | ISSN 1440-2432 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Since 1998 AudioTechnology Magazine has been one of the world’s best magazines for sound engineers and recording musicians. Published bi-monthly, AudioTechnology Magazine serves up a reliably stimulating mix of news, interviews with professional engineers and producers, inspiring tutorials, and authoritative product reviews penned by industry pros. Whether your principal speciality is in Live, Recording/Music Production, Post or Broadcast you’ll get a real kick out of this wonderfully presented, lovingly-written publication.

ISSN 1440-2432 | English
PDF HQ | 50 pagine | 9,78 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 50 pagine | 10,7 MB

Since 1998 AudioTechnology Magazine has been one of the world’s best magazines for sound engineers and recording musicians. Published bi-monthly, AudioTechnology Magazine serves up a reliably stimulating mix of news, interviews with professional engineers and producers, inspiring tutorials, and authoritative product reviews penned by industry pros. Whether your principal speciality is in Live, Recording/Music Production, Post or Broadcast you’ll get a real kick out of this wonderfully presented, lovingly-written publication.



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