martedì 29 novembre 2016

Voyager Magazine 48 - Settembre 2016

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Voyager Magazine 48 - Settembre 2016 | ISSN 2280-9457 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Scienza | Cultura | Attualità | Tecnologia | Storia
La rivista si pone come mezzo di divulgazione culturale, affrontando vari temi: storici, archeologici, antropologici, scientifici, tecnologici e di attualità, con lo stesso taglio giornalistico della trasmissione tv, restituendo al lettore il valore dell’approfondimento e della fruibilità tipica della carta stampata. I vari argomenti trattati durante la trasmissione verranno così sviscerati, analizzati e supportati da reportage realizzati dalla redazione del programma. Rappresentazioni grafiche e fotografiche favoriranno il lavoro di riesamina e di ricostruzione di famosi casi irrisolti, che il tempo o la scienza ha prematuramente archiviato. Il magazine non si rivolge al solo pubblico di appassionati di casi storici o scientifici, ma anche a tutti coloro che desiderano accrescere il proprio livello culturale, curiosi di sapere e di indagare.

ISSN 2280-9457 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 13,3 MB | 98 pagine

Playboy Argentina 127 - Agosto 2016

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Playboy Argentina 127 - Agosto 2016 | ISSN 0328-4360 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Argentina aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0328-4360 | Español | TRUE PDF | 15 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Argentina 128 - Septiembre 2016

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Playboy Argentina 128 - Septiembre 2016 | ISSN 0328-4360 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Argentina aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0328-4360 | Español | TRUE PDF | 16,4 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Venezuela - Noviembre 2016

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Playboy Venezuela - Noviembre 2016 | ISSN 1369-9024 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy Venezuela aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1369-9024 | Español | TRUE PDF | 26,2 MB | 76 pagine

Playboy Venezuela - Septiembre 2016

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Playboy Venezuela - Septiembre 2016 | ISSN 1369-9024 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy Venezuela aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1369-9024 | Español | TRUE PDF | 10,5 MB | 76 pagine

Playboy Venezuela - Octubre 2016

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Playboy Venezuela - Octubre 2016 | ISSN 1369-9024 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy Venezuela aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1369-9024 | Español | TRUE PDF | 27,2 MB | 76 pagine

Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Září 2016

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Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Září 2016 | ISSN 0862-9374 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0862-9374 | Český | TRUE PDF | 34,2 MB | 174 pagine

Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Listopad 2016

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Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Listopad 2016 | ISSN 0862-9374 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0862-9374 | Český | TRUE PDF | 21,6 MB | 126 pagine

Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Říjen 2016

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Playboy Czech (Repubblica Ceca) - Říjen 2016 | ISSN 0862-9374 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0862-9374 | Český | TRUE PDF | 22,2 MB | 126 pagine

Playboy Ukraine (Ucraina) 137 - July & August 2016

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Playboy Ukraine (Ucraina) 137 - July & August 2016 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN N.A. | Ukrainian | TRUE PDF | 70,5 MB | 86 pagine

Playboy U.S.A. 2016-07 - September 2016

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Playboy U.S.A. 2016-07 - September 2016 | ISSN 0032-1478 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0032-1478 | English | TRUE PDF | 20,1 MB | 126 pagine

Playboy U.S.A. 2016-09 - November 2016

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Playboy U.S.A. 2016-09 - November 2016 | ISSN 0032-1478 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0032-1478 | English | TRUE PDF | 23,9 MB | 126 pagine

Playboy U.S.A. 2016-08 - October 2016

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Playboy U.S.A. 2016-08 - October 2016 | ISSN 0032-1478 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0032-1478 | English | TRUE PDF | 18,5 MB | 124 pagine

Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - Oktober 2016

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Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - Oktober 2016 | ISSN 0939-8546 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy ist ein US-amerikanisches Männermagazin, das primär für erotische Fotografie bzw. Aktfotografie bekannt ist, aber sich auch in seinen Artikeln mit verschiedensten Lifestyle-Themen beschäftigt. Herausgeber der amerikanischen Ausgabe ist das Unternehmen Playboy Enterprises, das von Hugh Hefner gegründet und später von seiner Tochter Christie Hefner geleitet wurde. Es erscheint mittlerweile jeweils als Lizenzprodukt in der Landessprache und mit eigenen Themen in über 30 Ländern.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0939-8546 | Deutsch | TRUE PDF | 32,9 MB | 148 pagine

Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - Dezember 2016

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Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - Dezember 2016 | ISSN 0939-8546 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy ist ein US-amerikanisches Männermagazin, das primär für erotische Fotografie bzw. Aktfotografie bekannt ist, aber sich auch in seinen Artikeln mit verschiedensten Lifestyle-Themen beschäftigt. Herausgeber der amerikanischen Ausgabe ist das Unternehmen Playboy Enterprises, das von Hugh Hefner gegründet und später von seiner Tochter Christie Hefner geleitet wurde. Es erscheint mittlerweile jeweils als Lizenzprodukt in der Landessprache und mit eigenen Themen in über 30 Ländern.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0939-8546 | Deutsch | TRUE PDF | 29,4 MB | 156 pagine

Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - November 2016

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Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - November 2016 | ISSN 0939-8546 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy ist ein US-amerikanisches Männermagazin, das primär für erotische Fotografie bzw. Aktfotografie bekannt ist, aber sich auch in seinen Artikeln mit verschiedensten Lifestyle-Themen beschäftigt. Herausgeber der amerikanischen Ausgabe ist das Unternehmen Playboy Enterprises, das von Hugh Hefner gegründet und später von seiner Tochter Christie Hefner geleitet wurde. Es erscheint mittlerweile jeweils als Lizenzprodukt in der Landessprache und mit eigenen Themen in über 30 Ländern.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0939-8546 | Deutsch | TRUE PDF | 24,6 MB | 156 pagine

Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - Oktober 2016

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Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - Oktober 2016 | ISSN 1590-6294 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy izide vsak drugi petek v mesecu.
Revija, namenjena predvsem uživanju. Ob dobrem čtivu, kapljici, hrani, športnih avtomobilih, predolgih jahtah in potovanjih po vsem svetu. In kajpada ženskah. Domačih in tujih, razgaljenih in čudovitih. Kot je čudovito življenje. 
Za žejne nepozabne zabave. Izhaja od leta 2001.
Priloge in posebne izdaje: Ure, Karving magazin, Playboat (navtika), Playboy Interviews
Vse cene veljajo za naročnine na področju republike Slovenije.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1590-6294 | Slovenske | TRUE PDF | 46 MB | 120 pagine

Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - November 2016

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Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - November 2016 | ISSN 1590-6294 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy izide vsak drugi petek v mesecu.
Revija, namenjena predvsem uživanju. Ob dobrem čtivu, kapljici, hrani, športnih avtomobilih, predolgih jahtah in potovanjih po vsem svetu. In kajpada ženskah. Domačih in tujih, razgaljenih in čudovitih. Kot je čudovito življenje. 
Za žejne nepozabne zabave. Izhaja od leta 2001.
Priloge in posebne izdaje: Ure, Karving magazin, Playboat (navtika), Playboy Interviews
Vse cene veljajo za naročnine na področju republike Slovenije.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1590-6294 | Slovenske | TRUE PDF | 17,5 MB | 120 pagine

Playboy Hrvatska (Croazia) 229 - Kolovoz 2016

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Playboy Hrvatska (Croazia) 229 - Kolovoz 2016 | ISSN 1331-2065 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy Hrvatska izdanje izrađen posebno za vas s pitanjima i stvari koje ga čine najpregledniji časopis za muškarce u svijetu s jedinstvenim ljepotama hrvatskih žena unutra.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1331-2065 | Hrvatski | TRUE PDF | 24,5 MB | 136 pagine

Playboy Hrvatska (Croazia) 230 - Rujan 2016

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Playboy Hrvatska (Croazia) 230 - Rujan 2016 | ISSN 1331-2065 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy Hrvatska izdanje izrađen posebno za vas s pitanjima i stvari koje ga čine najpregledniji časopis za muškarce u svijetu s jedinstvenim ljepotama hrvatskih žena unutra.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1331-2065 | Hrvatski | TRUE PDF | 16,6 MB | 136 pagine

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