lunedì 28 novembre 2016

MCV The Business of Video Games 899 - 4 November 2016

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MCV The Business of Video Games 899 - 4 November 2016 | ISSN 1469-4832 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English
PDF HQ | 40 pagine | 8,05 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 40 pagine | 8,4 MB

IPN Irish Pharmacy News - October 2016

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IPN Irish Pharmacy News - October 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Management | Distribuzione | Farmacia | Tecnologia
IPN Irish Pharmacy News has become the most talked about publication in the pharmacy market right now. Launched in November 2008 the magazine appears once a month with a double issue in July/August. Pharmacy Communications Ireland is an independent medium for all Irish Pharmacists -- community, hospital and research, and industry members to communicate through. IPN Irish Pharmacy News covers all manner of news, issues, events and business relating to the Irish pharmaceutical industry, from the dispensary to the manufacturing floor.
The magazine is a glossy, colourful and jammed pack publication offering the pharmacists a vehicle to showcase their stories and talk about the issues that matter to them. With the face of Irish Pharmacy changing everyday and the profession being forever underutilised, IPN Irish Pharmacy News understands the need for those working in pharmacy to express their concerns and voice their opinions in an independent, yet united way.
IPN Irish Pharmacy News seeks to give a broad overview of the industry and profession, yet focusing in on the pharmacists themselves.
Regular features include: news, business management and finance, pharmacy debate, clinical articles, profiles, pharmacy profiles, shop front, product profile and appointments.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 72 pagine | 16,1 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 72 pagine | 17,9 MB

IPN Irish Pharmacy News - November 2016

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IPN Irish Pharmacy News - November 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Management | Distribuzione | Farmacia | Tecnologia
IPN Irish Pharmacy News has become the most talked about publication in the pharmacy market right now. Launched in November 2008 the magazine appears once a month with a double issue in July/August. Pharmacy Communications Ireland is an independent medium for all Irish Pharmacists -- community, hospital and research, and industry members to communicate through. IPN Irish Pharmacy News covers all manner of news, issues, events and business relating to the Irish pharmaceutical industry, from the dispensary to the manufacturing floor.
The magazine is a glossy, colourful and jammed pack publication offering the pharmacists a vehicle to showcase their stories and talk about the issues that matter to them. With the face of Irish Pharmacy changing everyday and the profession being forever underutilised, IPN Irish Pharmacy News understands the need for those working in pharmacy to express their concerns and voice their opinions in an independent, yet united way.
IPN Irish Pharmacy News seeks to give a broad overview of the industry and profession, yet focusing in on the pharmacists themselves.
Regular features include: news, business management and finance, pharmacy debate, clinical articles, profiles, pharmacy profiles, shop front, product profile and appointments.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 72 pagine | 15,8 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 72 pagine | 17,7 MB

iFerr Magazine 38 - Ottobre 2016

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iFerr Magazine 38 - Ottobre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Tecnologia | Ferramenta
iFerr Magazine la nuova rivista dedicata al mondo della ferramenta e degli ambienti ad essa connessi.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 116 pagine | 19,5 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 116 pagine | 21,1 MB

AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 33 - November 2016

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AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 33 - November 2016 | ISSN 1440-2432 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Since 1998 AudioTechnology Magazine has been one of the world’s best magazines for sound engineers and recording musicians. Published bi-monthly, AudioTechnology Magazine serves up a reliably stimulating mix of news, interviews with professional engineers and producers, inspiring tutorials, and authoritative product reviews penned by industry pros. Whether your principal speciality is in Live, Recording/Music Production, Post or Broadcast you’ll get a real kick out of this wonderfully presented, lovingly-written publication.

ISSN 1440-2432 | English
PDF HQ | 58 pagine | 11 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 58 pagine | 12,1 MB

Vie&Trasporti 804 - November 2016

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Vie&Trasporti 804 - November 2016 | ISSN 0393-8077 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Trasporti | Prove su Strada
Il settore dei trasporti e le sue problematiche, proposto con un taglio giornalistico e moderno. Attualità e informazione si uniscono a inchieste e a momenti di relax che rendono la lettura immediata e accattivante. In ogni numero, novità di prodotto e prove su strada. Vie&Trasporti vi aspetta ogni mese nelle edicole selezionate e nelle aree di servizio.

ISSN 0393-8077 | Italiano
PDF HQ | 68 pagine | 15,5 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 68 pagine | 17,3 MB

smitalia 2016-05 - Settembre & Ottobre 2016

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smitalia 2016-05 - Settembre & Ottobre 2016 | ISSN 1129-8642 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Medicina | Salute | Sclerosi Multipla
È il principale periodico di informazione dell’Associazione. Attraverso le inchieste, i dossier, le interviste e le sue rubriche approfondisce i molteplici aspetti della vita quotidiana con la SM, i nuovi orizzonti della ricerca scientifica e delle terapie, gli argomenti più attuali in tema di diritti e inclusione sociale delle persone con disabilità, con le conquiste e le difficoltà che si attraversano.
Viene spedito in abbonamento postale ai Soci AISM che annualmente rinnovano la propria adesione.

ISSN 1129-8642 | Italiano
PDF HQ | 40 pagine | 8,85 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 40 pagine | 9,63 MB

Salute 10+. Mensile di informazione su salute e benessere - Ottobre 2016

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Salute 10+. Mensile di informazione su salute e benessere - Ottobre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Farmacia | Media | Salute | Benessere
Salute 10+ è il mensile dedicato alla salute, al benessere e molto altro ancora. È disponibile nelle più importanti farmacie e negli studi medici di Ravenna e dintorni.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 36 pagine | 7,36 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 36 pagine | 8,31 MB

Salute 10+. Mensile di informazione su salute e benessere - Novembre 2016

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Salute 10+. Mensile di informazione su salute e benessere - Novembre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Farmacia | Media | Salute | Benessere
Salute 10+ è il mensile dedicato alla salute, al benessere e molto altro ancora. È disponibile nelle più importanti farmacie e negli studi medici di Ravenna e dintorni.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 36 pagine | 7,43 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 36 pagine | 8,41 MB

IOArch. Costruzioni e impianti 66 - Settembre & Ottobre 2016

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IOArch. Costruzioni e impianti 66 - Settembre & Ottobre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Architettura | Edilizia | Impianti
IOArch si rivolge ai professionisti italiani che affrontano la complessità del progetto a partire dai temi attuali del costruire, del vivere e dell’abitare.
Il mensile - 10 numeri all’anno - si propone come strumento di dibattito e vetrina di soluzioni.
L’intervento di apertura è in genere un’intervista a un protagonista del dibattito internazionale.
Il giornale privilegia un approccio multidisciplinare che considera l’ambiente e l’energia, la sociologia, la scienza dei materiali, la storia, l’arte e la passione elementi fondanti per un’architettura bella, funzionale e sostenibile e per una nuova responsabilità del progetto.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 84 pagine | 15,6 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 84 pagine | 17,3 MB

Costruzioni. Macchine - Mezzi d'Opera - Attrezzature 704 - Ottobre 2016

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Costruzioni. Macchine - Mezzi d'Opera - Attrezzature 704 - Ottobre 2016 | ISSN 0010-9665 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Edilizia | Cantiere | Noleggio | Tecnologia
Il magazine dedicato ai professionisti nel settore delle grandi opere.
Le problematiche quotidiane della vita in cantiere.
Le caratteristiche tecniche delle macchine movimento terra.
Prestazioni e attrezzature a confronto. I contratti di noleggio più convenienti. Attualità, prodotti, fiere e convegni sempre aggiornati.
In più, ogni mese, Costruzioni offre focus e prove sul campo dal punto di vista dell’operatore in cantiere.

ISSN 0010-9665 | Italiano
PDF HQ | 132 pagine | 27,3 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 132 pagine | 30,7 MB

Consumers' Magazine. Il mensile dei consumatori 2016-05 - Ottobre 2016

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Consumers' Magazine. Il mensile dei consumatori 2016-05 - Ottobre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Consumatori
Il mensile del Movimento Consumatori ricco di notizie, approfondimenti e rubriche sul mondo del consumerismo.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 12 pagine | 4,01 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 12 pagine | 4,19 MB

AsConAuto Informa 161 - Ottobre 2016

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AsConAuto Informa 161 - Ottobre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Ricambi | Concessionari | Professionisti
AsConAuto Informa è il mensile di informazione dell’Associazione Nazionale Consorzi Concessionari Auto.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 20 pagine | 4,62 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 20 pagine | 5,12 MB

AsConAuto Informa 162 - Novembre 2016

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AsConAuto Informa 162 - Novembre 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Ricambi | Concessionari | Professionisti
AsConAuto Informa è il mensile di informazione dell’Associazione Nazionale Consorzi Concessionari Auto.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 20 pagine | 4,58 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 20 pagine | 5,05 MB

EM Efficient Manufacturing - January & February 2014

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EM Efficient Manufacturing - January & February 2014 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Industria | Meccanica | Automazione
The monthly EM Efficient Manufacturing offers a threedimensional perspective on Technology, Market & Management aspects of Efficient Manufacturing, covering machine tools, cutting tools, automotive & other discrete manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing keeps its readers up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technological advances, helping them ensure efficient manufacturing practices leading to success not only on the shop-floor, but also in the market, so as to stand out with the required competitiveness and the right business approach in the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing comprehensive coverage spans both verticals and horizontals. From elaborate factory integration systems and CNC machines to the tiniest tools & inserts, EM Efficient Manufacturing is always at the forefront of technology, and serves to inform and educate its discerning audience of developments in various areas of manufacturing.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 116 pagine | 20,8 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 116 pagine | 21,3 MB

EM Efficient Manufacturing - June 2015

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EM Efficient Manufacturing - June 2015 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Industria | Meccanica | Automazione
The monthly EM Efficient Manufacturing offers a threedimensional perspective on Technology, Market & Management aspects of Efficient Manufacturing, covering machine tools, cutting tools, automotive & other discrete manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing keeps its readers up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technological advances, helping them ensure efficient manufacturing practices leading to success not only on the shop-floor, but also in the market, so as to stand out with the required competitiveness and the right business approach in the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing comprehensive coverage spans both verticals and horizontals. From elaborate factory integration systems and CNC machines to the tiniest tools & inserts, EM Efficient Manufacturing is always at the forefront of technology, and serves to inform and educate its discerning audience of developments in various areas of manufacturing.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 84 pagine | 16,4 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 84 pagine | 17,7 MB

EM Efficient Manufacturing - November 2015

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EM Efficient Manufacturing - November 2015 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Industria | Meccanica | Automazione
The monthly EM Efficient Manufacturing offers a threedimensional perspective on Technology, Market & Management aspects of Efficient Manufacturing, covering machine tools, cutting tools, automotive & other discrete manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing keeps its readers up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technological advances, helping them ensure efficient manufacturing practices leading to success not only on the shop-floor, but also in the market, so as to stand out with the required competitiveness and the right business approach in the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing comprehensive coverage spans both verticals and horizontals. From elaborate factory integration systems and CNC machines to the tiniest tools & inserts, EM Efficient Manufacturing is always at the forefront of technology, and serves to inform and educate its discerning audience of developments in various areas of manufacturing.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 116 pagine | 22,5 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 116 pagine | 22,4 MB

EM Efficient Manufacturing - February 2016

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EM Efficient Manufacturing - February 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Industria | Meccanica | Automazione
The monthly EM Efficient Manufacturing offers a threedimensional perspective on Technology, Market & Management aspects of Efficient Manufacturing, covering machine tools, cutting tools, automotive & other discrete manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing keeps its readers up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technological advances, helping them ensure efficient manufacturing practices leading to success not only on the shop-floor, but also in the market, so as to stand out with the required competitiveness and the right business approach in the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing.
EM Efficient Manufacturing comprehensive coverage spans both verticals and horizontals. From elaborate factory integration systems and CNC machines to the tiniest tools & inserts, EM Efficient Manufacturing is always at the forefront of technology, and serves to inform and educate its discerning audience of developments in various areas of manufacturing.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 76 pagine | 15,2 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 76 pagine | 15,2 MB

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