mercoledì 31 agosto 2016

ArpaRivista [Rifiuti speciali e tracciabilità] 2009-06S - Novembre & Dicembre 2009

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ArpaRivista [Rifiuti speciali e tracciabilità] 2009-06S - Novembre & Dicembre 2009 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Salute | Ambiente | Energia
ArpaRivista vuole essere un punto di riferimento importante nell´informazione ambientale, richiamando già dalla testata alcuni temi chiave quali l´attenzione all´ecologia, al rigore scientifico e agli aspetti correlati riguardanti la responsabilità sociale ed etica, anch'essi insiti nelle politiche di sostenibilità perseguite dalla Regione e da Arpa Emilia-Romagna.
La proposta editoriale è dunque mirata alla diffusione di conoscenze in un orizzonte allargato che spazia dal controllo e monitoraggio ambientale, all'approfondimento sulle grandi tematiche della sostenibilità globali e locali.
L'obiettivo è di fornire strumenti di lettura autorevoli, anche attraverso il confronto tra diverse posizioni, in un campo delicato come quello della comunicazione dei temi di carattere ambientale.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 1,18 MB | 41 pagine

Arredo e Design. Tessuti e decorazione d'interni 2015-01 - Gennaio 2015

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Arredo e Design. Tessuti e decorazione d'interni 2015-01 - Gennaio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Professionisti | Moda | Arredamento | Design
Arredo e Design. Tessuti e decorazione d'interni è una rappresentativa vetrina e un punto di riferimento nella decorazione tessile. Puntuale rassegna delle più attuali tendenze stilistiche, offre informazioni e approfondimenti su temi di carattere economico, produttivo, distributivo con analisi, inchieste, interviste, tavole rotonde e rassegne di prodotti. Autorevole “voce” specializzata, presenta una precisa declinazione editoriale degli argomenti, rivolta a tutte le tematiche che nell’arredamento tessile possono rappresentare consiglio, illustrazione di stile e indicazione merceologica.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 23,1 MB | 68 pagine

Enpaf Informazione 2014-02 - da Agosto a Dicembre 2014

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Enpaf Informazione 2014-02 - da Agosto a Dicembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Medicina | Farmacia
Notiziario trimestrale di cronache e problemi previdenziali e professionali dell’Ente Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Farmacisti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 0,41 MB | 16 pagine

Playboy Hungary (Ungheria) - Október 2010

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Playboy Hungary (Ungheria) - Október 2010 | ISSN 0865-350X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
A Playboy egy amerikai erotikus életmódmagazin, alapították 1953-ban Hugh Hefner és társai, és amely végül a Playboy Enterprises, Inc.-vé nőtte ki magát. Egyike a világ legismertebb márkáinak.
A magazin havonta jelenik meg, és jellegzetes témája a meztelen női fényképek, divat, sport, fogyasztói termékek és népszerű személyekkel készített interjúk. Közöl rövid novellákat is az ismertebb íróktól, mint Arthur C. Clarke, Ian Fleming, Vladimir Nabokov és Margaret Atwood.
A magazin híres kifejezetten liberális viszonyulásáról a legtöbb politikai pártálláshoz.
A Playboy saját mércéje szerinti ízléses meztelen képeket használ fel, amiket softcore mércével illetnek, szemben a hardcore pornómagazinok kínálatával. Jellemző stílusa a glamour.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0865-350X | Magyar | TRUE PDF | 17,7 MB | 124 pagine

Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Juni 2016

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Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Juni 2016 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy biedt alles wat mannen boeit. Het mooiste vrouwelijk schoon, lifestyle, diepteinterviews en de laatste must have gadgets. Maar ook reizen, films, muziek, literatuur en culinair, Playboy heeft het. Dit brede aanbod vormt de grote kracht van het eigenwijze kwaliteitsmaandblad met de internationaal bekende merknaam. Bovendien geeft regelmatig een prachtige vrouwelijke BNer zich bloot in een exclusieve reportage, in stijl geschoten door een topfotograaf. Kortom, Playboy is een schot in de roos voor een brede groep mannelijke levensgenieters van 18 t/m 45 jaar.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN N.A. | Nederlandse | TRUE PDF | 46,2 MB | 130 pagine

Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Augustus 2016

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Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Augustus 2016 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy biedt alles wat mannen boeit. Het mooiste vrouwelijk schoon, lifestyle, diepteinterviews en de laatste must have gadgets. Maar ook reizen, films, muziek, literatuur en culinair, Playboy heeft het. Dit brede aanbod vormt de grote kracht van het eigenwijze kwaliteitsmaandblad met de internationaal bekende merknaam. Bovendien geeft regelmatig een prachtige vrouwelijke BNer zich bloot in een exclusieve reportage, in stijl geschoten door een topfotograaf. Kortom, Playboy is een schot in de roos voor een brede groep mannelijke levensgenieters van 18 t/m 45 jaar.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN N.A. | Nederlandse | TRUE PDF | 47,8 MB | 128 pagine

Playboy Mexico (Messico) 166 - Agosto 2016

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Playboy Mexico (Messico) 166 - Agosto 2016 | ISSN 2251-3000 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Mexico aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 2251-3000 | Español | TRUE PDF | 23,2 MB | 124 pagine

Playboy Italia [Epoca 2] 64 (10) - Giugno 2016

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Playboy Italia [Epoca 2] 64 (10) - Giugno 2016 | ISSN 1125-6672 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy è una celebre rivista erotica rivolta al pubblico maschile, fondata nel 1953 a Chicago da Hugh Hefner e diffusa in tutto il mondo, sia nella versione originale sia in edizioni locali.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1125-6672 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 20,1 MB | 148 pagine

AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 31 - July 2016

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AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 31 - July 2016 | ISSN 1440-2432 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Since 1998 AudioTechnology Magazine has been one of the world’s best magazines for sound engineers and recording musicians. Published bi-monthly, AudioTechnology Magazine serves up a reliably stimulating mix of news, interviews with professional engineers and producers, inspiring tutorials, and authoritative product reviews penned by industry pros. Whether your principal speciality is in Live, Recording/Music Production, Post or Broadcast you’ll get a real kick out of this wonderfully presented, lovingly-written publication.

ISSN 1440-2432 | English
PDF HQ | 66 pagine | 12,9 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 66 pagine | 14,1 MB

CarFleet 63 - Luglio 2016

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CarFleet 63 - Luglio 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Automobili | Normativa | Leasing
CarFleet è il primo magazine italiano interamente dedicato alle flotte aziendali. Nato nel 2000, propone informazioni e approfondimenti di interesse soprattutto dei responsabili delle flotte aziendali, che hanno il compito di acquisire, gestire e amministrare parchi aziendali di auto e veicoli commerciali, oltre che gestire i rapporti con gli utilizzatori dei veicoli stessi.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
TRUE PDF | 68 pagine | 11,4 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 68 pagine | 12,2 MB 81 - Aprile 2016

0 commenti 81 - Aprile 2016 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Cinema | Musica | Recensioni | Tempo Libero
Dal febbraio 2003 all’agosto 2011 Coolclub ha pubblicato anche un giornale di eventi, musica, cinema, letteratura, arte, costume che annovera tra i collaboratori giornalisti professionisti e pubblicisti di testate locali e nazionali.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF MQ | 64 pagine | 14,3 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 64 pagine | 15,5 MB

Machine engineers for engineers 2008-18 - 25 September 2008

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Machine engineers for engineers 2008-18 - 25 September 2008 | ISSN 0024-9114 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | PDF HQ | 19,5 MB | 84 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2009-24 - 23 December 2009

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Machine engineers for engineers 2009-24 - 23 December 2009 | ISSN 0024-9114 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | TRUE PDF | 14,2 MB | 188 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2008-19 - 9 October 2008

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Machine engineers for engineers 2008-19 - 9 October 2008 | ISSN 0024-9114 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | PDF HQ | 24,4 MB | 108 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2009-23 - 10 December 2009

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Machine engineers for engineers 2009-23 - 10 December 2009 | ISSN 0024-9114 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,1 MB | 76 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2008-20 - 23 October 2008

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Machine engineers for engineers 2008-20 - 23 October 2008 | ISSN 0024-9114 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | PDF HQ | 25,7 MB | 112 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2009-22 - 19 November 2009

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Machine engineers for engineers 2009-22 - 19 November 2009 | ISSN 0024-9114 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | TRUE PDF | 11,8 MB | 69 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2008-21 - 6 November 2008

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Machine engineers for engineers 2008-21 - 6 November 2008 | ISSN 0024-9114 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | PDF HQ | 29,2 MB | 132 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2009-21 - 5 November 2009

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Machine engineers for engineers 2009-21 - 5 November 2009 | ISSN 0024-9114 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | TRUE PDF | 20,6 MB | 100 pagine

Machine engineers for engineers 2008-22 - 20 November 2008

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Machine engineers for engineers 2008-22 - 20 November 2008 | ISSN 0024-9114 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Meccanica | Computer Graphics | Software | Materiali
Machine Design continues 80 years of engineering leadership by serving the design engineering function in the original equipment market and key processing industries. Our audience is engaged in any part of the design engineering function and has purchasing authority over engineering/design of products and components.

ISSN 0024-9114 | English | PDF HQ | 18,1 MB | 76 pagine

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