martedì 7 luglio 2015

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - July 2012

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - July 2012 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 5,98 MB | 60 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - August 2012

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - August 2012 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 8,91 MB | 52 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - October 2012

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - October 2012 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 6,28 MB | 60 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - November 2012

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - November 2012 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 6,05 MB | 60 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - June 2015

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - June 2015 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 7,83 MB | 60 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - July 2015

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - July 2015 | ISSN 2052-238X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English | TRUE PDF | 65,7 MB | 60 pagine

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - April 2015

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - April 2015 | ISSN 2052-238X | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English
PDF HQ | 64 pagine | 12,6 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 64 pagine | 13,7 MB

PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - May 2015

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PSNEurope. The business of professional audio - May 2015 | ISSN 2052-238X | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia
Since 1986 Pro Sound News Europe has continued to head the field as Europe’s most respected news-based publication for the professional audio industry. The title rebranded as PSNEurope in March 2012.
PSNEurope’s editorial focuses on core areas including: pro-audio business; studio (recording, post-production and mastering); audio for broadcast; installed sound; and live/touring sound.

ISSN 2052-238X | English
PDF HQ | 60 pagine | 12,1 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 60 pagine | 13,2 MB

Pharma World Magazine 2015-01 - April 2015

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Pharma World Magazine 2015-01 - April 2015 | ISSN 2280-7942 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Professionisti | Farmacia | Logistica | Chimica
Pharma World Magazine è una rivista tecnico-scientifica inviata, sin dal 1961, a tutto il management dell'industria farmaceutica particolarmente coinvolto nella:
- Produzione
- Laboratorio
- Controllo della Qualità
- Logistica
- Packaging
- Marketing
- Sicurezza
- Laboratori di Controllo e Ricerca
Oltre ai lettori sopra menzionati, la rivista viene inviata agli amministratori delle industrie farmaceutiche, cosmetiche, al Ministero della Sanità, all'Istituto Superiore della Sanità, alle principali ASL, alle farmacie che sviluppano l’attività magistrale, oltre che agli iscritti alle Associazioni che ci hanno proposto e offrono collaborazioni, quali:
- AFI (Associazione Farmaceutici Industria)
- ASCCA (Associazione per lo Studio e il Controllo della Contaminazione Ambientale)
- ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering)
- SICC (Società Italiana Chimici Cosmetologi)
- ANCTF (Associazione Nazionale Chimici e Tecnologi Farmaceutici)

ISSN 2280-7942 | English | TRUE PDF | 29 MB | 54 pagine

Pharma World Magazine 2015-02 - July 2015

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Pharma World Magazine 2015-02 - July 2015 | ISSN 2280-7942 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Professionisti | Farmacia | Logistica | Chimica
Pharma World Magazine è una rivista tecnico-scientifica inviata, sin dal 1961, a tutto il management dell'industria farmaceutica particolarmente coinvolto nella:
- Produzione
- Laboratorio
- Controllo della Qualità
- Logistica
- Packaging
- Marketing
- Sicurezza
- Laboratori di Controllo e Ricerca
Oltre ai lettori sopra menzionati, la rivista viene inviata agli amministratori delle industrie farmaceutiche, cosmetiche, al Ministero della Sanità, all'Istituto Superiore della Sanità, alle principali ASL, alle farmacie che sviluppano l’attività magistrale, oltre che agli iscritti alle Associazioni che ci hanno proposto e offrono collaborazioni, quali:
- AFI (Associazione Farmaceutici Industria)
- ASCCA (Associazione per lo Studio e il Controllo della Contaminazione Ambientale)
- ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering)
- SICC (Società Italiana Chimici Cosmetologi)
- ANCTF (Associazione Nazionale Chimici e Tecnologi Farmaceutici)

ISSN 2280-7942 | English | TRUE PDF | 16,7 MB | 31 pagine

Pitagora 2014-06 - Dicembre 2014

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Pitagora 2014-06 - Dicembre 2014 | ISSN 2239-0383 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Edilizia | Progettazione
Rivista bimestrale d’informazione tecnico professionale del Collegio dei Geometri e dei Geometri Laureati di Padova.

ISSN 2239-0383 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 1,17 MB | 38 pagine

Pitagora 2015-01 - Marzo 2015

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Pitagora 2015-01 - Marzo 2015 | ISSN 2239-0383 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Edilizia | Progettazione
Rivista bimestrale d’informazione tecnico professionale del Collegio dei Geometri e dei Geometri Laureati di Padova.

ISSN 2239-0383 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 1,73 MB | 32 pagine

Plastix World 2015-01 - May 2015

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Plastix World 2015-01 - May 2015 | ISSN 2281-664X | TRUE PDF | Semestrale | Professionisti | Materie Plastiche | Tecnologia | Impianti
Plastix World, versione in lingua inglese della testata Plastix, è un’utile chiave di accesso al mondo del Made in Italy per gli imprenditori esteri. Attraverso articoli e inchieste dedicati, il lettore potrà scoprire le ultime novità in termini di tecnologia e prodotto, ma anche trovare un’informazione puntuale sull’andamento del mercato italiano delle materie plastiche.

ISSN 2281-664X | English | TRUE PDF | 33,4 MB | 38 pagine

Playboy Argentina 113 - Junio 2015

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Playboy Argentina 113 - Junio 2015 | ISSN 0328-4360 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Argentina aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0328-4360 | Español | PDF HQ | 43,6 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Mexico (Messico) 153 - Julio 2015

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Playboy Mexico (Messico) 153 - Julio 2015 | ISSN 2251-3000 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Mexico aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 2251-3000 | Español | PDF HQ | 36,5 MB | 138 pagine

ToyNews 162 - June 2015

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ToyNews 162 - June 2015 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 33,1 MB | 60 pagine

ToyNews 163 - July 2015

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ToyNews 163 - July 2015 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 53,9 MB | 60 pagine

Trasportare Oggi in Europa 180 - Maggio & Giugno 2015

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Trasportare Oggi in Europa 180 - Maggio & Giugno 2015 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Trasporti
Trasportare Oggi in Europa è dal 1997 la Rivista degli Autotrasportatori, nata come organo ufficiale di Transpobank la più diffusa borsa noli italiana, e ancor oggi suo biglietto da visita per entrare nelle aziende del settore.
È una delle più autorevoli testate del settore e, oltre ad annoverare prestigiose firme giornalistiche, ospita gli editoriali di qualificati opinion leader quali Roberto Sterza, Franco Fenoglio, Giancarlo Codazzi, Sabina Fumarola, Cinzia Caserotti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 86 pagine | 21,6 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 86 pagine | 33,6 MB

Trasportare Oggi in Europa 181 - Luglio 2015

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Trasportare Oggi in Europa 181 - Luglio 2015 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Trasporti
Trasportare Oggi in Europa è dal 1997 la Rivista degli Autotrasportatori, nata come organo ufficiale di Transpobank la più diffusa borsa noli italiana, e ancor oggi suo biglietto da visita per entrare nelle aziende del settore.
È una delle più autorevoli testate del settore e, oltre ad annoverare prestigiose firme giornalistiche, ospita gli editoriali di qualificati opinion leader quali Roberto Sterza, Franco Fenoglio, Giancarlo Codazzi, Sabina Fumarola, Cinzia Caserotti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 86 pagine | 21,6 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 86 pagine | 23,5 MB

Playboy South Africa (Sudafrica) - July & August 2015

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Playboy South Africa (Sudafrica) - July & August 2015 | ISSN 2220-9565 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world! Playboy South Africa is the local edition, launched in April 2011. From stunning local Playmates every month, to award-winning writers and in-depth interviews, as well as entertainment reviews, advice and humour, this is South Africa’s quintessential men’s lifestyle magazine.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 2220-9565 | English | TRUE PDF | 55 MB | 160 pagine

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