domenica 17 maggio 2015

Manitese 481 (Poveri ma belli) - Novembre & Dicembre 2012

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Manitese 481 (Poveri ma belli) - Novembre & Dicembre 2012 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Attivismo
L’associazione Mani Tese è nata nel 1964 per combattere la fame e gli squilibri tra Nord e Sud del mondo attraverso progetti di cooperazione internazionale e la sperimentazione di stili di vita sostenibili.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 6,9 MB | 32 pagine

aSud'Europa 2013-01 - 7 Gennaio 2013

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aSud'Europa 2013-01 - 7 Gennaio 2013 | ISSN 2036-4865 | TRUE PDF | Settimanale | Politica | Cultura | Economia
Settimanale di politica, cultura ed economia realizzato dal Centro Studi ed Iniziative Culturali Pio La Torre.

ISSN 2036-4865 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 0,9 MB | 38 pagine

MCV The Business of Video Games 821 - 6 February 2015

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MCV The Business of Video Games 821 - 6 February 2015 | ISSN 1469-4832 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English | TRUE PDF | 5,46 MB | 40 pagine

MCV The Business of Video Games 823 - 20 February 2015

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MCV The Business of Video Games 823 - 20 February 2015 | ISSN 1469-4832 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English | TRUE PDF | 6,75 MB | 44 pagine

MCV The Business of Video Games 824 - 27 February 2015

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MCV The Business of Video Games 824 - 27 February 2015 | ISSN 1469-4832 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,7 MB | 48 pagine

MCV The Business of Video Games 827 - 20 March 2015

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MCV The Business of Video Games 827 - 20 March 2015 | ISSN 1469-4832 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,79 MB | 52 pagine

MCV The Business of Video Games 828 - 27 March 2015

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MCV The Business of Video Games 828 - 27 March 2015 | ISSN 1469-4832 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Videogiochi
MCV is the leading trade news and community magazine for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

ISSN 1469-4832 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,9 MB | 52 pagine

Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - Junij 2015

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Playboy Slovenija (Slovenia) - Junij 2015 | ISSN 1590-6294 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy izide vsak drugi petek v mesecu.
Revija, namenjena predvsem uživanju. Ob dobrem čtivu, kapljici, hrani, športnih avtomobilih, predolgih jahtah in potovanjih po vsem svetu. In kajpada ženskah. Domačih in tujih, razgaljenih in čudovitih. Kot je čudovito življenje. 
Za žejne nepozabne zabave. Izhaja od leta 2001.
Priloge in posebne izdaje: Ure, Karving magazin, Playboat (navtika), Playboy Interviews
Vse cene veljajo za naročnine na področju republike Slovenije.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1590-6294 | Slovenske | PDF HQ | 35,4 MB | 136 pagine

Focus. Scoprire e capire il mondo 271 - Maggio 2015

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Focus. Scoprire e capire il mondo 271 - Maggio 2015 | ISSN 1122-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Scienza | Attualità | Tecnologia | Spazio
Focus rivista di taglio divulgativo, si prefigge di

ISSN 1122-3308 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 59,3 MB | 164 pagine

Focus Storia 103 - Maggio 2015

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Focus Storia 103 - Maggio 2015 | ISSN 1824-906X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Storia | Personalità
Focus Storia: la rivista interamente dedicata alle vicende, ai personaggi, alle curiosità che hanno caratterizzato i secoli passati. Ogni mese un numero speciale da conservare, con i grandi temi approfonditi alla maniera di Focus, per entrare nella Storia in modo diverso e avvincente.

ISSN 1824-906X | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 35,7 MB | 112 pagine

Fluidotecnica 389 - Maggio 2015

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Fluidotecnica 389 - Maggio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Oleodinamica | Pneumatica
Fluidotecnica è il supplemento di Progettare interamente dedicato al mondo dell’oleoidraulica e della pneumatica. In ogni numero, propone dettagliate informazioni relative a prodotti, novità e soluzioni progettuali che trovano impiego in ambito industriale e impiantistico, oltre a seguire da vicino il settore con notizie, approfondimenti tecnico-economici, rassegne merceologiche, interviste e tavole rotonde. Fluidotecnica è particolarmente vicina all’Assofluid (Associazione italiana dei costruttori e operatori del settore oleoidraulico e pneumatico) e alle aziende del settore, delle quali rappresenta l’interlocutore privilegiato.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 9,89 MB | 36 pagine

Playboy România 176 (2015-03) - Aprilie 2015

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Playboy România 176 (2015-03) - Aprilie 2015 | ISSN 1454-7538 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Din 1999, cea mai citită revistă de bărbaţi din România.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1454-7538 | Român | PDF HQ | 54,1 MB | 122 pagine

Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Mei 2015

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Playboy Netherlands (Olanda) - Mei 2015 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy biedt alles wat mannen boeit. Het mooiste vrouwelijk schoon, lifestyle, diepteinterviews en de laatste must have gadgets. Maar ook reizen, films, muziek, literatuur en culinair, Playboy heeft het. Dit brede aanbod vormt de grote kracht van het eigenwijze kwaliteitsmaandblad met de internationaal bekende merknaam. Bovendien geeft regelmatig een prachtige vrouwelijke BNer zich bloot in een exclusieve reportage, in stijl geschoten door een topfotograaf. Kortom, Playboy is een schot in de roos voor een brede groep mannelijke levensgenieters van 18 t/m 45 jaar.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN N.A. | Nederlandse | PDF HQ | 40 MB | 130 pagine

ToyNews 161 - May 2015

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ToyNews 161 - May 2015 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 48,6 MB | 76 pagine

TV Key. Rivista di comunicazione e produzione cine-televisiva 314 - da Gennaio a Marzo 2015

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TV Key. Rivista di comunicazione e produzione cine-televisiva 314 - da Gennaio a Marzo 2015 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Comunicazione | Media | Professionisti
TV Key èT la testata dedicata ai manager e ai creativi che intervengono nella realizzazione degli spot, ai media planner e media buyer che pianificano spazi televisivi, ai responsabili marketing & communication delle aziende, ai manager delle tv satellitari, del digitale terrestre e delle web tv generaliste e locali.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,39 MB | 68 pagine

TVBEurope. Business, insight and intelligence for the broadcast media industry - May 2015

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TVBEurope. Business, insight and intelligence for the broadcast media industry - May 2015 | ISSN 1461-4197 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Broadcast | Comunicazione
TVBEurope is the leading European broadcast media publication and business platform providing news and analysis, business profiles and case studies on the latest industry developments. Whether it is emerging technology from the world of broadcast workflow or multi-platform content, TVBEurope is at the heart of it all as the leading source of content across the entire broadcast chain.
TVBEurope’s monthly magazine offers readers an insight into the broadcast world through a mix of features, interviews, case studies and topical forums.
TVBEurope’s own in-house conferences and specialist roundtables have built up a strong reputation and following, offering in-depth analysis of the challenges and developments in Beyond HD and IT Broadcast Workflow. TVBEurope also hosts the prestigious broadcast media awards gala, the TVBAwards.

ISSN 1461-4197 | English | TRUE PDF | 3,87 MB | 44 pagine

Nuova Elettronica 32 - Giugno 1974

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Nuova Elettronica 32 - Giugno 1974 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Elettronica | Impianti
Nuova Elettronica è stata una rivista italiana fondata da Giuseppe Montuschi nel 1969 a Bologna dalle ceneri della rivista Elettronica Mese di Bologna.
Si occupava di hobbistica elettronica, divulgazione nell'ambito tecnico scientifico, elettromedicale e didattico, con un'impostazione pedagogica e popolare.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | PDF HQ | 33 MB | 79 pagine

Playboy Thailand (Thailandia) - March 2015

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Playboy Thailand (Thailandia) - March 2015 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN N.A. | Thai | PDF HQ | 36,4 MB | 150 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 226 - January 2015

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 226 - January 2015 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 43,7 MB | 132 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 230 - May 2015

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 230 - May 2015 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 44 MB | 132 pagine

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