giovedì 5 settembre 2019

Pipe and Profile Extrusion - July & August 2018

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Pipe and Profile Extrusion - July & August 2018 | ISSN 2053-7182 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Polimeri | Materie Plastiche | Chimica
Pipe and Profile Extrusion is a magazine written specifically for plastic pipe and profile extruders around the globe.
Published six times a year, Pipe and Profile Extrusion covers key technical developments, market trends, strategic business issues, legislative announcements, company profiles and new product launches. Unlike other general plastics magazines, Pipe and Profile Extrusion is 100% focused on the specific information needs of pipe and profile extruders.
Film and Sheet Extrusion offers:
- Comprehensive global coverage
- Targeted editorial content
- In-depth market knowledge
- Highly competitive advertisement rates
- An effective and efficient route to market

ISSN 2053-7182 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,61 MB | 50 pagine

Pipe and Profile Extrusion - May 2019

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Pipe and Profile Extrusion - May 2019 | ISSN 2053-7182 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Polimeri | Materie Plastiche | Chimica
Pipe and Profile Extrusion is a magazine written specifically for plastic pipe and profile extruders around the globe.
Published six times a year, Pipe and Profile Extrusion covers key technical developments, market trends, strategic business issues, legislative announcements, company profiles and new product launches. Unlike other general plastics magazines, Pipe and Profile Extrusion is 100% focused on the specific information needs of pipe and profile extruders.
Film and Sheet Extrusion offers:
- Comprehensive global coverage
- Targeted editorial content
- In-depth market knowledge
- Highly competitive advertisement rates
- An effective and efficient route to market

ISSN 2053-7182 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,13 MB | 54 pagine

Pipe and Profile Extrusion - June 2019

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Pipe and Profile Extrusion - June 2019 | ISSN 2053-7182 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Polimeri | Materie Plastiche | Chimica
Pipe and Profile Extrusion is a magazine written specifically for plastic pipe and profile extruders around the globe.
Published six times a year, Pipe and Profile Extrusion covers key technical developments, market trends, strategic business issues, legislative announcements, company profiles and new product launches. Unlike other general plastics magazines, Pipe and Profile Extrusion is 100% focused on the specific information needs of pipe and profile extruders.
Film and Sheet Extrusion offers:
- Comprehensive global coverage
- Targeted editorial content
- In-depth market knowledge
- Highly competitive advertisement rates
- An effective and efficient route to market

ISSN 2053-7182 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,79 MB | 54 pagine

Pet Trend 2019-06 - Luglio & Agosto 2019

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Pet Trend 2019-06 - Luglio & Agosto 2019 | ISSN 2279-5790 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Alimentazione | Animali
La volontà di proporre una nuova rivista dedicata agli specialisti del Pet è nata dalla convinzione che nel nostro settore, nonostante le numerose iniziative, mancasse un progetto editoriale in grado di soddisfare le diverse esigenze di un comparto produttivo ed economico in costante crescita.
Pet Trend, quindi, è una rivista che non vuole limitarsi ad essere un mezzo informativo per gli operatori del settore ma che ha l'ambizione di poter essere un valido strumento a sostegno di tutti coloro che, con passione e dedizione, fanno del mondo pet una professione: petshop, agrarie e garden center, allevatori, veterinari, toelettatori, addestratori, educatori, pensioni, produttori e distributori di prodotti pet e molti altri ancora.
É un mensile con ampia diffusione nazionale ed internazionale. Fonte affidabile e autorevole, la rivista può contare su collaboratori di alto livello, scelti fra i migliori nei diversi ambiti, che hanno il compito di approfondire e sviluppare le varie tematiche trattate.
Il primo numero di Pet Trend è uscito a gennaio 2012, e da subito ha avuto numerose espressioni di interesse e approvazione, assieme a segnali di adesione da parte di tanti professionisti che desiderano, ancora oggi, sostenere il nostro progetto.
Questo ci ha fatto pensare di essere sulla strada giusta: voler fornire un prodotto editoriale di alta qualità a servizio e supporto di un settore, quello degli alimenti, dei prodotti e dei servizi dedicati agli animali da compagnia, in rapida evoluzione e in continuo sviluppo.

ISSN 2279-5790 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,33 MB | 100 pagine

PE Practical Electronics - June 2019

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PE Practical Electronics - June 2019 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,2 MB | 84 pagine

PE Practical Electronics - May 2019

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PE Practical Electronics - May 2019 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 14,1 MB | 84 pagine

PCR. For the UK’s PC & tech community 159 - December 2016

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PCR. For the UK’s PC & tech community 159 - December 2016 | ISSN 1742-8440 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English
PDF HQ | 55 pagine | 10 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 55 pagine | 10,7 MB

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 62 - November 2008

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 62 - November 2008 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,9 MB | 136 pagine

PCR Computer & IT Resellers 85 - October 2010

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PCR Computer & IT Resellers 85 - October 2010 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 14,7 MB | 124 pagine

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 63 - December 2008

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 63 - December 2008 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,2 MB | 132 pagine

PCR Computer & IT Resellers 84 - September 2010

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PCR Computer & IT Resellers 84 - September 2010 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,6 MB | 132 pagine

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 64 - January 2009

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 64 - January 2009 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,94 MB | 116 pagine

PCR Computer & IT Resellers 68 - May 2009

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PCR Computer & IT Resellers 68 - May 2009 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,6 MB | 124 pagine

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 65 - February 2009

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 65 - February 2009 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 8,99 MB | 100 pagine

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 67 - April 2009

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 67 - April 2009 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,6 MB | 108 pagine

PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 66 - March 2009

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PC Retail. Tthe trade for computer retailers and IT suppliers 66 - March 2009 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,4 MB | 104 pagine

PCR 190 - August 2019

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PCR 190 - August 2019 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 5,78 MB | 52 pagine

PCR 184 - Jnauary & February 2019

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PCR 184 - Jnauary & February 2019 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,7 MB | 68 pagine

PCR 189 - July 2019

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PCR 189 - July 2019 | ISSN 1742-8440 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Computer | Hardware | Software | Social Networks
PCR delivers priceless trade information for the home and business computing sector across a unique combination of print, online, digital, apps, mobile, event and social channels.

ISSN 1742-8440 | English | TRUE PDF | 6,21 MB | 52 pagine

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