mercoledì 8 maggio 2019

Il Mio Computer Idea! 167 - 27 Dicembre 2018

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Il Mio Computer Idea! 167 - 27 Dicembre 2018 | ISSN 2282-3379 | TRUE PDF | Quindicinale | Computer | Internet
Questo quattordicinale nasce come costola di un'altra testata storica del gruppo Sprea Editori, Il mio Computer, nata nell'ormai lontano 1997 e divenuta ben presto un punto di riferimento per quanti vogliono imparare a usare il computer divertendosi.
Vogliamo ricordare come Il mio Computer sia stata la prima rivista, non professionale, a introdurre il CD-ROM come supporto ai contenuti della rivista.
In questi lunghi 15 anni, parlando sempre in termini informatici, Il mio Computer ha visto l'esplosione di Internet, della messaggistica istantanea e non ultimo dei social reader. Il carattere mensile della testata ha sempre frenato la possibilita', come si dice in gergo, «di stare sul pezzo», ovvero di rincorrere e spesso precedere le notizie e i prodotti che in questo settore si accavallano ormai ora su ora.
Le uscite quattordicinali consentiranno, invece, di dare informazioni ancora più fresche e particolareggiate.
Ampio spazio alla Guide Pratiche, una vera e propria miniera di spiegazioni, consigli e dritte per diventare subìto esperti nell'uso del computer.

ISSN 2282-3379 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 21,9 MB | 48 pagine

Idea Web 212 - Dicembre 2018

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Idea Web 212 - Dicembre 2018 | ISSN 1592-7725 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Internet | Computer Graphics | Programmazione | Software
Dedicata ai navigatori inesperti è la rivista che parla di Internet!
Pratica, utile, divertente... per chi dalla Rete vuole idee... per chi vuole cavare un ragno dal Web! É più che un'idea... si fa così: esempi, tutorial, guide perché le idee siano anche pratica oltre che pratiche.

ISSN 1592-7725 | Italiano | PDF HQ | 108 MB | 84 pagine

incart. Scuola Hobby Ufficio 184 - Settembre & Ottobre 2015

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incart. Scuola Hobby Ufficio 184 - Settembre & Ottobre 2015 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Cartotecnica | Distribuzione
Per i commercianti della piccola e della grande distribuzione, nel settore della cartoleria e delle forniture per l’ufficio.
La rivista offre il completo panorama dei prodotti, le più aggiornate analisi di mercato, indica le tendenze e offre l’informazione utile allo svolgimento dell’attività distributiva.
Informa sulle novità per la scuola, l’hobby, i party e l’ufficio.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 13,5 MB | 67 pagine

Hydraulics & Pneumatics - December 2018

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Hydraulics & Pneumatics - December 2018 | ISSN 0018-814X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Oleodinamica | Pneumatica
Hydraulics & Pneumatics è il mensile più diffuso, più completo e organico ad indirizzo applicativo, per i tecnici delle aziende che già utilizzano o intendono utilizzare l'energia fluida. Prima rivista italiana del settore, vanta uno staff redazionale autorevole che segue una politica intesa ad offrire un concreto e sostanziale contributo alla diffusione e allo sviluppo dell'automazione oleodinamica e pneumatica, e alla soluzione più moderna e adeguata dei problemi connessi.

ISSN 0018-814X | English | TRUE PDF | 14,1 MB | 68 pagine

InNova 71 - Gennaio 2019

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InNova 71 - Gennaio 2019 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Tecnologia | Hi-Tech
Hi Test è la rivista che ti occorre per tenerti al corrente delle evoluzioni tecnologiche nel modo più facile e veloce.
Edita da Altroconsumo, affronta con rigore, obiettività e imparzialità tutti i temi che riguardano il mondo dell’informatica.
Nella rivista Hi Test troverai tra l'altro:
- Test e inchieste
- Tutte le novità
- Le risposte alle tue domande.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,92 MB | 40 pagine

InTasca 164 - Gennaio 2019

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InTasca 164 - Gennaio 2019 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Finanza | Mutui | Assicurazioni
Soldi e Diritti è una buona pubblicazione su tutti gli argomenti legali economici e fiscali, in quanto spazia su diverse informazioni: non solo investimenti ma anche mutui, assicurazioni, beghe condominiali, operatori di telefonia, normative di garanzia per il consumatore, etc.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,04 MB | 48 pagine

InChieste 332 - Gennaio 2019

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InChieste 332 - Gennaio 2019 | ISSN 0392-5722 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Elettrodomestici | Casa | Energia | Consumatori
La rivista omonima informa e consiglia il consumatore su sicurezza, salute e qualità degli acquisti; vengono fatti test su prodotti in commercio. La rivista, che esce 11 mesi all'anno (mensile con l'eccezione di agosto), è nata lo stesso anno in cui è stata fondata l'associazione.

ISSN 0392-5722 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,79 MB | 68 pagine

martedì 7 maggio 2019

Poultry International - February 2013

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Poultry International - February 2013 | ISSN 0032-5767 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
For more than 50 years, Poultry International has been the international leader in uniquely covering the poultry meat and egg industries within a global context. In-depth market information and practical recommendations about nutrition, production, processing and marketing give Poultry International a broad appeal across a wide variety of industry job functions.
Poultry International reaches a diverse international audience in 142 countries across multiple continents and regions, including Southeast Asia/Pacific Rim, Middle East/Africa and Europe. Content is designed to be clear and easy to understand for those whom English is not their primary language.
Poultry International is published in both print and digital editions.

ISSN 0032-5767 | English | TRUE PDF | 11,9 MB | 41 pagine

Poultry International - April 2013

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Poultry International - April 2013 | ISSN 0032-5767 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
For more than 50 years, Poultry International has been the international leader in uniquely covering the poultry meat and egg industries within a global context. In-depth market information and practical recommendations about nutrition, production, processing and marketing give Poultry International a broad appeal across a wide variety of industry job functions.
Poultry International reaches a diverse international audience in 142 countries across multiple continents and regions, including Southeast Asia/Pacific Rim, Middle East/Africa and Europe. Content is designed to be clear and easy to understand for those whom English is not their primary language.
Poultry International is published in both print and digital editions.

ISSN 0032-5767 | English | TRUE PDF | 5,96 MB | 44 pagine

Poultry International - March 2013

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Poultry International - March 2013 | ISSN 0032-5767 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
For more than 50 years, Poultry International has been the international leader in uniquely covering the poultry meat and egg industries within a global context. In-depth market information and practical recommendations about nutrition, production, processing and marketing give Poultry International a broad appeal across a wide variety of industry job functions.
Poultry International reaches a diverse international audience in 142 countries across multiple continents and regions, including Southeast Asia/Pacific Rim, Middle East/Africa and Europe. Content is designed to be clear and easy to understand for those whom English is not their primary language.
Poultry International is published in both print and digital editions.

ISSN 0032-5767 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,61 MB | 52 pagine

Le Scienze 608 - Aprile 2019

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Le Scienze 608 - Aprile 2019 | ISSN 0036-8083 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Scienza | Tecnologia | Astronomia
Le Scienze è una rivista mensile italiana di divulgazione scientifica, edizione italiana di Scientific American. Oltre che alla scienza di base, essa pone particolare attenzione alle ricadute tecnologiche della scienza e al progresso tecnico.

ISSN 0036-8083 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 14,2 MB | 100 pagine

Pro Sound News - April 2019

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Pro Sound News - April 2019 | ISSN 0164-6338 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio | Video | Comunicazione | Tecnologia
Pro Sound News is a monthly news journal dedicated to the business of the professional audio industry. For more than 30 years, Pro Sound News has been — and is — the leading provider of timely and accurate news, industry analysis, features and technology updates to the expanded professional audio community — including recording, post, broadcast, live sound, and pro audio equipment retail.

ISSN 0164-6338 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,4 MB | 52 pagine

World Pumps. The international magazine for pump users 623 - April 2019

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World Pumps. The international magazine for pump users 623 - April 2019 | ISSN 0262-1762 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Meccanica | Oleodinamica | Pompe
For 60 years, World Pumps has been the world's leading pump magazine, keeping the pump industry and its customers informed about all the technical and commercial developments in their industry.

ISSN 0262-1762 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,5 MB | 36 pagine

PE Practical Electronics - April 2019

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PE Practical Electronics - April 2019 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 16,8 MB | 82 pagine

EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - January 2018

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EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - January 2018 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,7 MB | 76 pagine

EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - December 2018

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EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - December 2018 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 24,3 MB | 76 pagine

EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - February 2018

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EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - February 2018 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 17,8 MB | 76 pagine

EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - November 2018

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EPE Everyday Practical Electronics - November 2018 | ISSN 0262-3617 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica | Tecnologia
Everyday Practical Electronics is a UK published magazine that is available in print or downloadable format.
Practical Electronics was a UK published magazine, founded in 1964, as a constructors' magazine for the electronics enthusiast. In 1971 a novice-level magazine, Everyday Electronics, was begun by the same publisher. Until 1977, both titles had the same production and editorial team.
In 1986, both titles were sold by their owner, IPC Magazines, to independent publishers and the editorial teams remained separate.
By the early 1990s, the title experienced a marked decline in market share and, in 1992, it was purchased by Wimborne Publishing Ltd. which was, at that time, the publisher of the rival, novice-level Everyday Electronics. The two magazines were merged to form Everyday with Practical Electronics (EPE) - the «with» in the title being dropped from the November 1995 issue. In February 1999, the publisher acquired the former rival, Electronics Today International, and merged it into EPE.

ISSN 0262-3617 | English | TRUE PDF | 21,4 MB | 76 pagine

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