giovedì 26 aprile 2018

Brescia SOStenibile 2014-02 - Aprile 2014

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Brescia SOStenibile 2014-02 - Aprile 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Rinnovabili | Ecologia | Ambiente
Brescia SOStenibile è un nuovo mensile indipendente nato nel novembre 2013 e diffuso in 30.000 copie in tutta la bresciana, con la finalità di comunicare e diffondere nuovi stili di vita e un’innovativa cultura d’impresa, sulla base di principi economici, sociali e ambientali più sostenibili.
L’utilizzo intelligente delle risorse del nostro pianeta, l’attenzione al territorio e alla natura e le nuove frontiere della green economy sono gli argomenti chiave della nostra testata: 64 pagine dedicate ogni mese all’attualità locale e internazionale, spaziando dal consumo consapevole agli approfondimenti sulle energie rinnovabili, dalle buone pratiche amministrative e d’impresa, fino alla finanza etica.
Il nostro obiettivo è informare e dare spazio alla sostenibilità in modo positivo e propositivo, stimolando l’emulazione e la messa in rete di realtà associative, enti locali, cooperative e aziende che si stanno impegnando in questa direzione, ma che spesso vengono trascurate dall’informazione tradizionale.
Target primario del nostro giornale è il cittadino, ossia il vero perno all’interno della società, dal quale possono partire quelle azioni -dal semplice fare la spesa al voto politico- che sommandosi possono tradursi in concreti miglioramenti della qualità della vita individuale e collettiva, anche per le generazioni future.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 4,96 MB | 48 pagine

Terre di Confine [Epoca 2] 2 - Aprile 2014

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Terre di Confine [Epoca 2] 2 - Aprile 2014 | TRUE PDF | Irregolare | Fumetti | Cinema | Letteratura | Cultura
Nata come rivista telematica, Terre di Confine è un'associazione culturale non profit che ha come obiettivi lo studio, la promozione e la diffusione della cultura, delle scienze e dell'arte - quest'ultima con particolare riferimento ai generi letterari Fantascienza e Fantastico e all'Animazione Giapponese - intese sotto ogni loro forma espressiva. L'associazione si occupa di Letteratura, Cinematografia e Televisione, Animazione e Fumetti, Storia e Arte, Costume e Società, Mistero e Paranormale, Scienza e Tecnologia... Se sei interessato a questi argomenti... Non esitare, ti aspettiamo!

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 33,8 MB | 226 pagine

Golf & Gusto. Periodico degli amanti del gusto della vita 2012-01 - Marzo & Aprile 2012

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Golf & Gusto. Periodico degli amanti del gusto della vita 2012-01 - Marzo & Aprile 2012 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Golf | Lusso | Società
Golf & Gusto è un magazine con l’ottica più centrata sul giocatore dilettante e frequentatore di circolo, con una lente particolare, quella del gusto. Più precisamente, quindi una visione del mondo golfistico attraverso il piacere delle cose buone e belle.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 15,6 MB | 95 pagine

Golf & Gusto. Periodico degli amanti del gusto della vita 2012-02 - Maggio & Giugno 2012

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Golf & Gusto. Periodico degli amanti del gusto della vita 2012-02 - Maggio & Giugno 2012 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Golf | Lusso | Società
Golf & Gusto è un magazine con l’ottica più centrata sul giocatore dilettante e frequentatore di circolo, con una lente particolare, quella del gusto. Più precisamente, quindi una visione del mondo golfistico attraverso il piacere delle cose buone e belle.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 19,1 MB | 108 pagine

Mantra. Magazine di cultura olistica 2014-02 - Dicembre 2014

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Mantra. Magazine di cultura olistica 2014-02 - Dicembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Semestrale | Salute | Benessere | Yoga
Il magazine di cultura olistica della Scuola Italiana Olistica.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 6,91 MB | 44 pagine

Mantra. magazine di cultura olistica 2015-02 - Dicembre 2015

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Mantra. magazine di cultura olistica 2015-02 - Dicembre 2015 | TRUE PDF | Semestrale | Salute | Benessere | Yoga
Il magazine di cultura olistica della Scuola Italiana Olistica.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 12 MB | 44 pagine

Technology in Education 2014-03 - July 2014

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Technology in Education 2014-03 - July 2014 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 48 pagine | 10,4 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 48 pagine | 11,1 MB

Technology in Education 2014-01 - January 2014

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Technology in Education 2014-01 - January 2014 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 48 pagine | 10,3 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 48 pagine | 11 MB

Technology in Education 2013-04 - October 2013

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Technology in Education 2013-04 - October 2013 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 48 pagine | 10,7 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 48 pagine | 11,4 MB

Technology in Education 2013-03 - Julio 2013

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Technology in Education 2013-03 - Julio 2013 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 50 pagine | 11 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 50 pagine | 11,7 MB

Technology in Education 2013-02 - April 2013

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Technology in Education 2013-02 - April 2013 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 42 pagine | 9,31 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 42 pagine | 10,5 MB

Technology in Education 2013-01 - January 2013

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Technology in Education 2013-01 - January 2013 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 49 pagine | 10,4 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 49 pagine | 11,7 MB

Technology in Education 2012-04 - October 2012

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Technology in Education 2012-04 - October 2012 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 50 pagine | 10,1 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 50 pagine | 11,2 MB

Technology in Education 2012-03 - July 2012

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Technology in Education 2012-03 - July 2012 | CBR 96 dpi | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Technology is revolutionising the way schools deliver education. Yet, despite the enormous potential that exists, schools and education professionals need guidance in determining how best to embrace this constantly-evolving field.
Each school term, Technology in Education will help educators navigate the technology market, and will include regular features highlighting new products, the latest Australian curriculum developments and resources, eLearning projects, infrastructure issues, professional development events and expos, national and international technology news, and school case studies.
Technology in Education includes quarterly Q&A’s, cheat sheet guides, reviews and in-depth articles on hot topics, alongside plenty of practical tips from award-winning teachers and principals, technology experts and academics.
Technology in Education is be a reference point that schools and educators can return to, time and again. Don’t miss out on a key opportunity to highlight your organisation’s innovative work.
- Highest circulating technology magazine for the education sector;
- Distributed nationally to government, independent and Catholic schools;
- All primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, regional and rural areas;
- Directed to IT managers, principals, curriculum leaders and teachers;
- Available as a glossy print magazine, with editions for iOS and Android.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 56 pagine | 11,5 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 56 pagine | 12,8 MB

Green Table Australia 1 - August 2008

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Green Table Australia 1 - August 2008 | TRUE PDF | Semestrale | Ristorazione | Catering | Ecologia | Rinnovabili
The publication Green Table Australia has been developed to guide restaurant and catering businesses on the steps and processes they need to implement within their business to reduce their carbon footprint and become accredited with the green table program.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 31,9 MB | 24 pagine

Green Table Australia 2 - March 2009

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Green Table Australia 2 - March 2009 | TRUE PDF | Semestrale | Ristorazione | Catering | Ecologia | Rinnovabili
The publication Green Table Australia has been developed to guide restaurant and catering businesses on the steps and processes they need to implement within their business to reduce their carbon footprint and become accredited with the green table program.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 28,1 MB | 25 pagine

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