martedì 18 ottobre 2016

Tech & Learning. Ideas and tools for ED Tech leaders 35-06 - January 2015

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Tech & Learning. Ideas and tools for ED Tech leaders 35-06 - January 2015 | ISSN 1053-6728 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
For over three decades, Tech & Learning has remained the premier publication and leading resource for education technology professionals responsible for implementing and purchasing technology products in K-12 districts and schools. Our team of award-winning editors and an advisory board of top industry experts provide an inside look at issues, trends, products, and strategies pertinent to the role of all educators –including state-level education decision makers, superintendents, principals, technology coordinators, and lead teachers.

ISSN 1053-6728 | English | TRUE PDF | 12,6 MB | 52 pagine

Tecnologie del Filo 2014-04 - Dicembre 2014

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Tecnologie del Filo 2014-04 - Dicembre 2014 | ISSN 1128-5842 | TRUE PDF | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Meccanica | Trafilatura
Tecnologie del Filo è nata come prima pubblicazione italiana del settore della trafilatura, ma si è rapidamente estesa all’estrusione, alle fibre ottiche ed ai materiali avanzati. Sempre in continua evoluzione e rinnovamento, oggi questa rivista si propone di esaminare tutte le problematiche inerenti i fili, le barre ed i tubi, comunque vengano realizzati, in modo da fornire ai lettori interessati al loro impiego la possibilità di reperire in una sola pubblicazione tutte le conoscenze tecnologiche ad essi relative estese anche alla laminazione, almeno per quanto attiene la fabbricazione della vergella, dei tubi e dei fili.
Tecnologie del Filo nasce dalla collaborazione dei produttori di materie prime, dei costruttori di macchine e di impianti con gli utilizzatori, in un contesto in cui le funzioni di autore e lettore si auspica possano incrociarsi onde favorire il costante aggiornamento della conoscenza.
Tecnologie del Filo è organo Ufficiale di ACIMAF - Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine per Filo.

ISSN 1128-5842 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 18,5 MB | 68 pagine

TVBEurope. Business, insight and intelligence for the broadcast media industry - February 2015

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TVBEurope. Business, insight and intelligence for the broadcast media industry - February 2015 | ISSN 1461-4197 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Broadcast | Comunicazione
TVBEurope is the leading European broadcast media publication and business platform providing news and analysis, business profiles and case studies on the latest industry developments. Whether it is emerging technology from the world of broadcast workflow or multi-platform content, TVBEurope is at the heart of it all as the leading source of content across the entire broadcast chain.
TVBEurope’s monthly magazine offers readers an insight into the broadcast world through a mix of features, interviews, case studies and topical forums.
TVBEurope’s own in-house conferences and specialist roundtables have built up a strong reputation and following, offering in-depth analysis of the challenges and developments in Beyond HD and IT Broadcast Workflow. TVBEurope also hosts the prestigious broadcast media awards gala, the TVBAwards.

ISSN 1461-4197 | English | TRUE PDF | 3,71 MB | 52 pagine

The Clinical Advisor - February 2015

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The Clinical Advisor - February 2015 | ISSN 1524-7317 | PDF MQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Medicina | Salute | Infermieristica
The Clinical Advisor is a monthly journal for nurse practitioners and physician assistants in primary care. Its mission is to keep practitioners up to date with the latest information about diagnosing, treating, managing, and preventing conditions seen in a typical office-based primary-care setting.

ISSN 1524-7317 | English | PDF MQ | 4,22 MB | 63 pagine

Macchine Edili 2014-07 - Ottobre 2014

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Macchine Edili 2014-07 - Ottobre 2014 | ISSN 1594-7041 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Cantiere | Attrezzature e Sistemi | Distribuzione
Macchine Edili è dedicata al mondo delle macchine e attrezzature per l’edilizia e il movimento terra. Oltre agli articoli di stretta attualità e a quelli sull’andamento del mercato, sia italiano che estero, attraverso esclusivi osservatori a livello regionale, la rivista si occupa anche delle principali tematiche legate alla distribuzione e al noleggio. Offre inoltre una panoramica tecnica sempre aggiornata dell’offerta di mercato, per orientare l’utilizzatore nella scelta di macchine e attrezzature adatte alle proprie esigenze applicative. Si tratta quindi di un autorevole periodico di informazione e di cultura per gli operatori del settore: imprese di tutte le dimensioni e chiunque utilizzi in cantiere macchine e attrezzature per la costruzione, la demolizione, il sollevamento, la movimentazione, la frantumazione e il riciclaggio.

ISSN 1594-7041 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 30,5 MB | 92 pagine

Serramenti+Design 2015-01 - Gennaio 2015

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Serramenti+Design 2015-01 - Gennaio 2015 | ISSN 1824-4696 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Cantiere | Materiali | Tecnologia
Parte integrante del mercato edile, il settore degli infissi ne costituisce storicamente uno dei comparti più importanti per definire la vivibilità interna e la definizione esterna dell’involucro di un edificio. L’approfondita analisi, progettuale, tecnologia e funzione dell’ampia articolazione di prodotti e sistemi disponibili è obiettivo e scopo di Serramenti+Design quale naturale evoluzione della storica testata SEC serramenti e componenti. Forte anche di questa eredità, la rivista Serramenti+Design è oggi il più attendibile e completo strumento d’informazione per gli operatori del settore serramentistico a cominciare dai suoi naturali referenti: serramentisti, rivenditori, progettisti, prescrittori, produttori e la composita platea di addetti ai lavori che ha la necessità di mantenersi aggiornata sui rapidi mutamenti che caratterizzano struttura e congiuntura del mercato, andamento della domanda e tendenza dell’offerta. All’ampia panoramica dedicata agli avvenimenti di stretta attualità e alle novità di prodotto e design, la rivista Serramenti+Design affianca un ampio ventaglio di approfondimenti (inchieste, dossier, servizi e opinioni) in cui vengono analizzate innovazioni, evoluzioni progettuali, problematiche e normative con l’obiettivo di fornire al lettore tutte le informazioni necessarie a comprenderne le possibili chiavi di lettura.

ISSN 1824-4696 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 18,2 MB | 76 pagine

Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-06 - July 2013

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Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-06 - July 2013 | ISSN 1839-1206 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Distributed monthly to government, Catholic and independent schools, in print and tablet formats, Australian Teacher Magazine is hugely relevant to all parts of the education sector.
As the No.1 source of spin-free news, Australian Teacher Magazine provides a real voice for more than 240,000 educators Australia wide, with a CAB audited printed distribution of 42,444 copies and a digital audience of 10,000 on iPad and Android.
Engaging and informative, the magazine provides balanced coverage on the issues affecting the sector and success stories direct from schools.
The tablet editions of Australian Teacher Magazine allow educators to refer back to previous editions time and again, and to access special content, including extended articles, videos and fact sheets.
Always leading the way, Australian Teacher Magazine was the nation's first education publication to introduce a free tablet edition, with every publication available on iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablets and smartphones.
We engage with our readers. Our annual Education Survey reveals the thoughts and feelings of our community, both about the sector itself and their engagement with Australian Teacher Magazine.
Australian Teacher Magazine is not just No.1 for circulation, it is also the leader in providing relevant and informative content to educators across the nation. With a depth of targeted sections each month, the magazine provides an unrivalled read for the sector and thus a fabulous vehicle for advertisers. The inclusion of specific targeted lift-out magazines further enhances the relevance of Australian Teacher Magazine to educators.

ISSN 1839-1206 | English
PDF HQ | 77 pagine | 21,4 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 77 pagine | 23,7 MB

Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-08 - September 2013

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Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-08 - September 2013 | ISSN 1839-1206 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Distributed monthly to government, Catholic and independent schools, in print and tablet formats, Australian Teacher Magazine is hugely relevant to all parts of the education sector.
As the No.1 source of spin-free news, Australian Teacher Magazine provides a real voice for more than 240,000 educators Australia wide, with a CAB audited printed distribution of 42,444 copies and a digital audience of 10,000 on iPad and Android.
Engaging and informative, the magazine provides balanced coverage on the issues affecting the sector and success stories direct from schools.
The tablet editions of Australian Teacher Magazine allow educators to refer back to previous editions time and again, and to access special content, including extended articles, videos and fact sheets.
Always leading the way, Australian Teacher Magazine was the nation's first education publication to introduce a free tablet edition, with every publication available on iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablets and smartphones.
We engage with our readers. Our annual Education Survey reveals the thoughts and feelings of our community, both about the sector itself and their engagement with Australian Teacher Magazine.
Australian Teacher Magazine is not just No.1 for circulation, it is also the leader in providing relevant and informative content to educators across the nation. With a depth of targeted sections each month, the magazine provides an unrivalled read for the sector and thus a fabulous vehicle for advertisers. The inclusion of specific targeted lift-out magazines further enhances the relevance of Australian Teacher Magazine to educators.

ISSN 1839-1206 | English
PDF HQ | 66 pagine | 18,1 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 66 pagine | 20 MB

Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-09 - October 2013

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Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-09 - October 2013 | ISSN 1839-1206 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Distributed monthly to government, Catholic and independent schools, in print and tablet formats, Australian Teacher Magazine is hugely relevant to all parts of the education sector.
As the No.1 source of spin-free news, Australian Teacher Magazine provides a real voice for more than 240,000 educators Australia wide, with a CAB audited printed distribution of 42,444 copies and a digital audience of 10,000 on iPad and Android.
Engaging and informative, the magazine provides balanced coverage on the issues affecting the sector and success stories direct from schools.
The tablet editions of Australian Teacher Magazine allow educators to refer back to previous editions time and again, and to access special content, including extended articles, videos and fact sheets.
Always leading the way, Australian Teacher Magazine was the nation's first education publication to introduce a free tablet edition, with every publication available on iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablets and smartphones.
We engage with our readers. Our annual Education Survey reveals the thoughts and feelings of our community, both about the sector itself and their engagement with Australian Teacher Magazine.
Australian Teacher Magazine is not just No.1 for circulation, it is also the leader in providing relevant and informative content to educators across the nation. With a depth of targeted sections each month, the magazine provides an unrivalled read for the sector and thus a fabulous vehicle for advertisers. The inclusion of specific targeted lift-out magazines further enhances the relevance of Australian Teacher Magazine to educators.

ISSN 1839-1206 | English
PDF HQ | 72 pagine | 18,3 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 72 pagine | 20,1 MB

Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-10 - November 2013

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Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-10 - November 2013 | ISSN 1839-1206 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Distributed monthly to government, Catholic and independent schools, in print and tablet formats, Australian Teacher Magazine is hugely relevant to all parts of the education sector.
As the No.1 source of spin-free news, Australian Teacher Magazine provides a real voice for more than 240,000 educators Australia wide, with a CAB audited printed distribution of 42,444 copies and a digital audience of 10,000 on iPad and Android.
Engaging and informative, the magazine provides balanced coverage on the issues affecting the sector and success stories direct from schools.
The tablet editions of Australian Teacher Magazine allow educators to refer back to previous editions time and again, and to access special content, including extended articles, videos and fact sheets.
Always leading the way, Australian Teacher Magazine was the nation's first education publication to introduce a free tablet edition, with every publication available on iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablets and smartphones.
We engage with our readers. Our annual Education Survey reveals the thoughts and feelings of our community, both about the sector itself and their engagement with Australian Teacher Magazine.
Australian Teacher Magazine is not just No.1 for circulation, it is also the leader in providing relevant and informative content to educators across the nation. With a depth of targeted sections each month, the magazine provides an unrivalled read for the sector and thus a fabulous vehicle for advertisers. The inclusion of specific targeted lift-out magazines further enhances the relevance of Australian Teacher Magazine to educators.

ISSN 1839-1206 | English
PDF HQ | 95 pagine | 24,2 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 95 pagine | 26,8 MB

Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-11 - December 2013

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Australian Teacher Magazine 2013-11 - December 2013 | ISSN 1839-1206 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Educazione
Distributed monthly to government, Catholic and independent schools, in print and tablet formats, Australian Teacher Magazine is hugely relevant to all parts of the education sector.
As the No.1 source of spin-free news, Australian Teacher Magazine provides a real voice for more than 240,000 educators Australia wide, with a CAB audited printed distribution of 42,444 copies and a digital audience of 10,000 on iPad and Android.
Engaging and informative, the magazine provides balanced coverage on the issues affecting the sector and success stories direct from schools.
The tablet editions of Australian Teacher Magazine allow educators to refer back to previous editions time and again, and to access special content, including extended articles, videos and fact sheets.
Always leading the way, Australian Teacher Magazine was the nation's first education publication to introduce a free tablet edition, with every publication available on iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablets and smartphones.
We engage with our readers. Our annual Education Survey reveals the thoughts and feelings of our community, both about the sector itself and their engagement with Australian Teacher Magazine.
Australian Teacher Magazine is not just No.1 for circulation, it is also the leader in providing relevant and informative content to educators across the nation. With a depth of targeted sections each month, the magazine provides an unrivalled read for the sector and thus a fabulous vehicle for advertisers. The inclusion of specific targeted lift-out magazines further enhances the relevance of Australian Teacher Magazine to educators.

ISSN 1839-1206 | English
PDF HQ | 71 pagine | 19 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 71 pagine | 21,1 MB

IEN Italia - Novembre 2014

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IEN Italia - Novembre 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Industria | Tecnologia | Meccanica
Da oltre 14 anni, IEN Italia è la fonte affidabile che i decision makers scelgono per la ricerca di nuovi prodotti e soluzioni nel campo industriale.
Dalla prima pubblicazione nel 1999, IEN Italia è cresciuta fino a diventare una risorsa affidabile che i decision makers italiani scelgono per la ricerca di nuovi prodotti e soluzioni nel campo industriale.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 32,5 MB | 40 pagine

Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-02 - 2 Febbraio 2015

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Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-02 - 2 Febbraio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Quindicinale | Tecnologia | Economia
Il nostro target vanta una connotazione unica e pregiata nel panorama dell'informazione digitale. Si tratta di amministratori delegati, manager, dirigenti, quadri, responsabili acquisti, decision maker del settore dell’Ict e delle aziende utilizzatrici oltre che dirigenti della pubblica amministrazione centrale e periferica, rappresentanti delle istituzioni, politici, mondo accademico, professionisti, giornalisti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,29 MB | 32 pagine

Embedded 55 - Febbraio 2015

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Embedded 55 - Febbraio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Elettronica
Prima e unica pubblicazione italiana del settore, Embedded è uno strumento indispensabile per i professionisti e le società che devono restare protagoniste in mercati sempre più competitivi. Embedded è distribuita a progettisti, costruttori, Oem e Var che producono e integrano soluzioni hardware e software per i settori telecom/datacom, networking, controllo di processo, automazione industriale, automotive, elaborazione dati, R&D, consumer & Internet, medicale, militare/aerospaziale e domotica.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 15,2 MB | 86 pagine

RockAxis 135 - Julio 2014

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RockAxis 135 - Julio 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Musica | Metal | Rock | Recensioni
RockAxis é una revista criada con o objetivo de movimentar a cena de Rock y Metal nacional y Internacional.

ISSN N.A. | Español | TRUE PDF | 26,9 MB | 100 pagine

L'Orafo Italiano - Ottobre & Novembre 2014

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L'Orafo Italiano - Ottobre & Novembre 2014 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Oreficeria | Gioielli
Dal 1946 L'Orafo Italiano è la rivista bilingue punto di riferimento del mondo orafo per la qualità delle informazioni, l'autorevolezza dei contenuti, l'immagine.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano/English
PDF HQ | 108 pagine | 23 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 108 pagine | 25,6 MB

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