venerdì 7 agosto 2015

NauTech. Tecnoclogie nautiche, motori e accessori 2014-06 - Novembre 2014

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NauTech. Tecnoclogie nautiche, motori e accessori 2014-06 - Novembre 2014 | ISSN 1825-6155 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Nautica | Tecnologia
NauTech è il periodico dedicato ai cantieri navali di costruzione, manutenzione, refitting e al mondo degli accessori, per fornire uno strumento utile all’industria navale e alle aziende del comparto. NauTech si rivolge agli operatori di settore che hanno così modo di leggere un magazine dai contenuti innovativi, che ha nell’informazione e nella formazione i suoi obiettivi primari. In ogni numero: rubriche fisse sui problemi di porti e cantieri, un dossier applicativo, ampie sezioni relative a materiali, tecnologie, logistica, accessori, design e novità internazionali. Attenta all’evoluzione di nuove tecnologie e materiali, NauTech si occupa anche dell’organizzazione, della gestione, del mercato, delle risorse umane e di tutto ciò che è inerente alla realtà delle imprese produttive.

ISSN 1825-6155 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 25,6 MB | 84 pagine

National Geographic Storica 78 - Agosto 2015

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National Geographic Storica 78 - Agosto 2015 | ISSN 2035-8784 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Storia | Personalità
National Geographic Storica è la nuova rivista che ti presenta ogni mese le grandi vicende del passato. I personaggi più affascinanti, i luoghi mitici delle antiche civiltà, le grandi opere d'arte, rivivono grazie alla insuperabile esperienza fotografica di National Geographic, alle spettacolari ricostruzioni digitali, alla stampa di altissimo livello e ad un racconto sempre avvincente e approfondito.
Dai palazzi dei faraoni ai suburbi di Roma antica, dalle misteriose piramidi Maya alle conquiste dell'era moderna, ogni numero di Storica ti offrirà un emozionante viaggio nel passato.

ISSN 2035-8784 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 39,5 MB | 116 pagine

National Geographic Storica 77 - Luglio 2015

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National Geographic Storica 77 - Luglio 2015 | ISSN 2035-8784 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Storia | Personalità
National Geographic Storica è la nuova rivista che ti presenta ogni mese le grandi vicende del passato. I personaggi più affascinanti, i luoghi mitici delle antiche civiltà, le grandi opere d'arte, rivivono grazie alla insuperabile esperienza fotografica di National Geographic, alle spettacolari ricostruzioni digitali, alla stampa di altissimo livello e ad un racconto sempre avvincente e approfondito.
Dai palazzi dei faraoni ai suburbi di Roma antica, dalle misteriose piramidi Maya alle conquiste dell'era moderna, ogni numero di Storica ti offrirà un emozionante viaggio nel passato.

ISSN 2035-8784 | Italiano | PDF HQ | 38,9 MB | 116 pagine

Nuova Elettronica 7 - Marzo 1970

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Nuova Elettronica 7 - Marzo 1970 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Elettronica | Impianti
Nuova Elettronica è stata una rivista italiana fondata da Giuseppe Montuschi nel 1969 a Bologna dalle ceneri della rivista Elettronica Mese di Bologna.
Si occupava di hobbistica elettronica, divulgazione nell'ambito tecnico scientifico, elettromedicale e didattico, con un'impostazione pedagogica e popolare.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | PDF HQ | 14 MB | 82 pagine

Installation 167 - May 2014

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Installation 167 - May 2014 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 29,5 MB | 64 pagine

Installation 166 - April 2014

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Installation 166 - April 2014 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 28,9 MB | 64 pagine

Installation 165 - March 2014

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Installation 165 - March 2014 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 30,6 MB | 68 pagine

Installation 164 - February 2014

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Installation 164 - February 2014 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 31,5 MB | 72 pagine

Installation 163 - January 2014

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Installation 163 - January 2014 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 30,7 MB | 72 pagine

Installation 162 - December 2013

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Installation 162 - December 2013 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 34,1 MB | 64 pagine

Installation 161 - November 2013

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Installation 161 - November 2013 | ISSN 2052-2401 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. It is the only international title that publishes 12 issues a year.
The magazine is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.
If you’re looking to get your message across to the professional AV & systems integration marketplace, you need look no further than Installation.
Every issue of Installation informs the professional AV & systems integration marketplace about the latest business, technology,  application and regional trends across all aspects of the industry: the integration of audio, video and lighting.

ISSN 2052-2401 | English | TRUE PDF | 34,6 MB | 68 pagine

Utensili e Attrezzature 2015-02 - Marzo 2015

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Utensili e Attrezzature 2015-02 - Marzo 2015 | ISSN 1123-1092 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Meccanica | Attrezzature e Sistemi | Utensili da Taglio
Utensili e Attrezzature è l’unica rivista tecnica specializzata in utensili da taglio, abrasivi, portautensili e attrezzature di bloccaggio pezzo. Grazie alla collaborazione con i migliori esperti del settore  provenienti da università, Centri di ricerca e aziende, Utensili e attrezzature è in grado di fornire informazioni tecniche e di mercato sempre aggiornate in modo da esaltare il ruolo sia degli utensili che delle attrezzature nell’economia di una lavorazione meccanica.

ISSN 1123-1092 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 18,9 MB | 84 pagine

Cancer World 10 - January & February 2006

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Cancer World 10 - January & February 2006 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 1,08 MB | 50 pagine

Cancer World 11 - March & April 2006

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Cancer World 11 - March & April 2006 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Medicina | Salute | NoProfit | Tumori | Professionisti
The aim of Cancer World is to help reduce the unacceptable number of deaths from cancer that is caused by late diagnosis and inadequate cancer care. We know our success in preventing and treating cancer depends on many factors. Tumour biology, the extent of available knowledge and the nature of care delivered all play a role. But equally important are the political, financial, bureaucratic decisions that affect how far and how fast innovative therapies, techniques and technologies are adopted into mainstream practice. Cancer World explores the complexity of cancer care from all these very different viewpoints, and offers readers insight into the myriad decisions that shape their professional and personal world.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 0,92 MB | 53 pagine

Noi Geometri [Epoca 2] 2015-03 - Maggio & Giugno 2015

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Noi Geometri [Epoca 2] 2015-03 - Maggio & Giugno 2015 | TRUE PDF | Trimestrale | Professionisti | Edilizia | Progettazione
Rivista trimestrale d’informazione tecnico professionale del Collegio dei Geometri e dei Geometri Laureati di Milano.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,67 MB | 29 pagine

AVI Latinoamérica 2009-03 - Mayo & Junio 2009

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AVI Latinoamérica 2009-03 - Mayo & Junio 2009 | ISSN 2027-4807 | CBR 72 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Revista dedicada a temas relacionados a la integración de sistemas de audio, video e iluminación en las Américas, tanto en aplicaciones comerciales como residenciales.

ISSN 2027-4807 | Español
PDF HQ | 44 pagine | 8,9 MB
CBR 72 dpi | 44 pagine | 10,4 MB

AVI Latinoamérica 2009-04 - Julio & Agosto 2009

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AVI Latinoamérica 2009-04 - Julio & Agosto 2009 | ISSN 2027-4807 | CBR 72 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Revista dedicada a temas relacionados a la integración de sistemas de audio, video e iluminación en las Américas, tanto en aplicaciones comerciales como residenciales.

ISSN 2027-4807 | Español
PDF HQ | 44 pagine | 8,83 MB
CBR 72 dpi | 44 pagine | 10,4 MB

AVI Latinoamérica 2010-02 - Marzo & Abril 2010

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AVI Latinoamérica 2010-02 - Marzo & Abril 2010 | ISSN 2027-4807 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Audio | Video | Illuminazione
Revista dedicada a temas relacionados a la integración de sistemas de audio, video e iluminación en las Américas, tanto en aplicaciones comerciales como residenciales.

ISSN 2027-4807 | Español
PDF HQ | 52 pagine | 9,53 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 52 pagine | 10,5 MB

HeavyRiff 30 - Mayo 2015

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HeavyRiff 30 - Mayo 2015 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Musica | Metal | Recensioni
Revista en línea de Heavy Metal nacida en diciembre del 2012 de las cenizas de Adoremos el Metal. Entrevistas, reseñas, artículos y noticias. Heavy Metal magazine born in october 2009. Interviews, reviews, articles and news.

ISSN N.A. | Español | TRUE PDF | 2,04 MB | 47 pagine

Hospitality Magazine 715 - June 2015

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Hospitality Magazine 715 - June 2015 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Alberghi | Management | Marketing | Professionisti
Hospitality Magazine covers issues about the hospitality industry such as foodservice, accommodation, beverage and management.

ISSN N.A. | English
PDF HQ | 36 pagine | 7,48 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 36 pagine | 8,28 MB

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