martedì 3 marzo 2015

Confezione. Mensile per l'abbigliamento e la maglieria 2007-03 - Maggio 2007

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Confezione. Mensile per l'abbigliamento e la maglieria 2007-03 - Maggio 2007 | ISSN 0393-4888 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Moda | Professionisti | Abbigliamento

ISSN 0393-4888 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 16,7 MB | 78 pagine

Confezione. Mensile per l'abbigliamento e la maglieria 2007-02 - Aprile 2007

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Confezione. Mensile per l'abbigliamento e la maglieria 2007-02 - Aprile 2007 | ISSN 0393-4888 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Moda | Professionisti | Abbigliamento

ISSN 0393-4888 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 21,1 MB | 94 pagine

IDM L'Industria del Mobile 620/621 - Gennaio & Febbraio 2013

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IDM L'Industria del Mobile 620/621 - Gennaio & Febbraio 2013 | ISSN 0019-753X | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Industria | Tecnologia | Legno
Rivista tecnica di documentazione e informazione per il settore del mobile. La rivista IDM L'Industria del Mobile viene letta da produttori di mobili e di semilavorati, progettisti, designer e operatori del settore in genere, dai responsabili di manifestazioni fieristiche, di associazioni ed enti, di istituti e scuole di formazione professionale. Ogni mese pubblica articoli e commenti riguardanti i diversi mercati nazionali, analisi, resoconti delle principali manifestazioni fieristiche e interviste con i protagonisti di questo settore, oltre a una nutrita serie di articoli specifici dedicati alle macchine e tecnologie per la lavorazione del legno, vernici, colle, utensili e attrezzi, materie plastiche, prodotti per la finitura, il rivestimento e l’imbottitura di mobili, accessori.

ISSN 0019-753X | Italiano/English | TRUE PDF | 10,8 MB | 84 pagine

IDM L'Industria del Mobile 593 - Ottobre 2010

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IDM L'Industria del Mobile 593 - Ottobre 2010 | ISSN 0019-753X | PDF MQ | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Industria | Tecnologia | Legno
Rivista tecnica di documentazione e informazione per il settore del mobile. La rivista IDM L'Industria del Mobile viene letta da produttori di mobili e di semilavorati, progettisti, designer e operatori del settore in genere, dai responsabili di manifestazioni fieristiche, di associazioni ed enti, di istituti e scuole di formazione professionale. Ogni mese pubblica articoli e commenti riguardanti i diversi mercati nazionali, analisi, resoconti delle principali manifestazioni fieristiche e interviste con i protagonisti di questo settore, oltre a una nutrita serie di articoli specifici dedicati alle macchine e tecnologie per la lavorazione del legno, vernici, colle, utensili e attrezzi, materie plastiche, prodotti per la finitura, il rivestimento e l’imbottitura di mobili, accessori.

ISSN 0019-753X | Italiano/English | PDF MQ | 27,2 MB | 102 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 247 - June 2011

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 247 - June 2011 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 15 MB | 80 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 246 - May 2011

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 246 - May 2011 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 33,4 MB | 88 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 244 - March 2011

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 244 - March 2011 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 26,3 MB | 80 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 243 - February 2011

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 243 - February 2011 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 20,2 MB | 96 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 242 - January 2011

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 242 - January 2011 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 18,7 MB | 60 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 241 - December 2010

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 241 - December 2010 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 11,1 MB | 60 pagine

Altroconsumo 290 - Marzo 2015

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Altroconsumo 290 - Marzo 2015 | ISSN 0392-5722 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Elettrodomestici | Casa | Energia | Consumatori
La rivista omonima informa e consiglia il consumatore su sicurezza, salute e qualità degli acquisti; vengono fatti test su prodotti in commercio. La rivista, che esce 11 mesi all'anno (mensile con l'eccezione di agosto), è nata lo stesso anno in cui è stata fondata l'associazione.

ISSN 0392-5722 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 15,2 MB | 80 pagine

ToyNews 100 - December 2009

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ToyNews 100 - December 2009 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,5 MB | 68 pagine

ToyNews 102 - February 2010

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ToyNews 102 - February 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 33,8 MB | 228 pagine

ToyNews 103 - March 2010

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ToyNews 103 - March 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,59 MB | 68 pagine

ToyNews 104 - April 2010

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ToyNews 104 - April 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 13,2 MB | 100 pagine

ToyNews 106 - June 2010

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ToyNews 106 - June 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 7,96 MB | 68 pagine

ToyNews 107 - July 2010

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ToyNews 107 - July 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 11,7 MB | 76 pagine

ToyNews 108 - August 2010

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ToyNews 108 - August 2010 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,4 MB | 68 pagine

Wired Italia 70 - Marzo 2015

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Wired Italia 70 - Marzo 2015 | ISSN 2035-7397 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Tecnologia | Società | Economia | Politica
Wired Italia è una rivista mensile statunitense con sede a San Francisco in California dal marzo 1993, e di proprietà di Condé Nast Publications.
Nota come La Bibbia di Internet, è stata fondata dal giornalista Louis Rossetto e da Nicholas Negroponte, ed è diretta da Chris Anderson. La linea editoriale di Wired è stata originariamente ispirata dalle idee del teorico dei media canadese Marshall McLuhan. La rivista tratta tematiche di carattere tecnologico e di come queste influenzino la cultura, l'economia, la politica e la vita quotidiana.

ISSN 2035-7397 | Italiano | PDF HQ | 24,9 MB | 132 pagine

lunedì 2 marzo 2015

Imprese Agricole 2012-04 - Maggio 2012

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Imprese Agricole 2012-04 - Maggio 2012 | ISSN 1973-5448 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Agricoltura | Rinnovabili | Allevamenti
Innovativo nel formato e nei contenuti, Imprese Agricole è il giornale del nuovo imprenditore agricolo che vuole crescere, differenziarsi, rinnovarsi secondo una logica imprenditoriale. 
Fondamentali sono dunque la sezione Guida all’investimento e la sezione Il giornale delle energie rinnovabili  in cui il lettore può trovare utili indicazioni per fare business. 
Diffuso in 30.000 copie, Imprese Agricole orienta e informa il lettore circa le tendenze di mercato europee, nazionali e regionali. Informazioni selezionate che permettono di approfondire e divulgare le novità del settore realmente premianti.

ISSN 1973-5448 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 20 MB | 36 pagine

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