lunedì 2 marzo 2015

La Repubblica del 11 Marzo 2013

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La Repubblica del 11 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 0390-1076 | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
La Repubblica è un quotidiano italiano, con sede a Roma, appartenente al Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso.
È il secondo quotidiano d'Italia per diffusione, dopo il Corriere della Sera di Milano.
È primo nelle statistiche sul lettorato, con una quota stimata di 3 milioni e 523.000 lettori.

ISSN 0390-1076 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 35,5 MB | 56 pagine

La Repubblica del 12 Marzo 2013

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La Repubblica del 12 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 0390-1076 | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
La Repubblica è un quotidiano italiano, con sede a Roma, appartenente al Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso.
È il secondo quotidiano d'Italia per diffusione, dopo il Corriere della Sera di Milano.
È primo nelle statistiche sul lettorato, con una quota stimata di 3 milioni e 523.000 lettori.

ISSN 0390-1076 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 35,2 MB | 64 pagine

Laboratorio 2000 2012-09 - Dicembre 2012

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Laboratorio 2000 2012-09 - Dicembre 2012 | ISSN 1120-8376 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Chimica | Biologia | Software | Ricerca
Gli argomenti di Laboratorio 2000 e dei suoi supplementi coprono tutto quanto riguarda la professionalità degli operatori del settore: strumenti, attrezzature, tecniche analitiche, software, legislazione, ricerche e offerte di lavoro, sicurezza ecc.. Troviamo inoltre articoli riguardanti il laboratorio e l'utilizzo di tecniche analitiche in campo Ambientale, Alimentare, Farmaceutico, Cosmetico, Clinico, Metallurgico, delle Materie Plastiche, dei Materiali e altri settori industriali.

ISSN 1120-8376 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,94 MB | 58 pagine

Laboratorio 2000 2013-01 - Febbraio 2013

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Laboratorio 2000 2013-01 - Febbraio 2013 | ISSN 1120-8376 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Chimica | Biologia | Software | Ricerca
Gli argomenti di Laboratorio 2000 e dei suoi supplementi coprono tutto quanto riguarda la professionalità degli operatori del settore: strumenti, attrezzature, tecniche analitiche, software, legislazione, ricerche e offerte di lavoro, sicurezza ecc.. Troviamo inoltre articoli riguardanti il laboratorio e l'utilizzo di tecniche analitiche in campo Ambientale, Alimentare, Farmaceutico, Cosmetico, Clinico, Metallurgico, delle Materie Plastiche, dei Materiali e altri settori industriali.

ISSN 1120-8376 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 9,59 MB | 61 pagine

CorrierEconomia 2013-09 - 11 Marzo 2013

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CorrierEconomia 2013-09 - 11 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 1129-0854 | TRUE PDF | Settimanale | Economia
CorrierEconomia propone notizie di economia in tempo reale, dall'Italia e dall'estero. Approfondimenti, articoli e analisi economiche, norme e dossier. Economia in News del Corriere della Sera.

ISSN 1129-0854 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 8,54 MB | 32 pagine

ToyNews 133 - October 2012

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ToyNews 133 - October 2012 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 67,1 MB | 100 pagine

ToyNews 134 - November 2012

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ToyNews 134 - November 2012 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 59,5 MB | 84 pagine

ToyNews 137 - March 2013

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ToyNews 137 - March 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 47,5 MB | 83 pagine

ToyNews 138 - April 2013

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ToyNews 138 - April 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 58 MB | 92 pagine

ToyNews 139 - May 2013

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ToyNews 139 - May 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 62,2 MB | 92 pagine

Playboy Argentina 108 - Enero 2015

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Playboy Argentina 108 - Enero 2015 | ISSN 0328-4360 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Desde diciembre de 2005, Playboy Argentina aporta aire fresco en el segmento de revistas masculinas, un abanico de originales contenidos de lifestyle y entretenimiento, periodismo de calidad escrito por los mas prestigiosos del pais y los mejores desnudos.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0328-4360 | Español | PDF HQ | 17,4 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria 132 - May 2013

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Playboy Bulgaria 132 - May 2013 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 20,2 MB | 122 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria 133 - June 2013

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Playboy Bulgaria 133 - June 2013 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 19,7 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria 149 - January & February 2015

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Playboy Bulgaria 149 - January & February 2015 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 36,2 MB | 116 pagine

Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - April 2009

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Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - April 2009 | ISSN 0939-8546 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy ist ein US-amerikanisches Männermagazin, das primär für erotische Fotografie bzw. Aktfotografie bekannt ist, aber sich auch in seinen Artikeln mit verschiedensten Lifestyle-Themen beschäftigt. Herausgeber der amerikanischen Ausgabe ist das Unternehmen Playboy Enterprises, das von Hugh Hefner gegründet und später von seiner Tochter Christie Hefner geleitet wurde. Es erscheint mittlerweile jeweils als Lizenzprodukt in der Landessprache und mit eigenen Themen in über 30 Ländern.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0939-8546 | Deutsch | PDF HQ | 91,5 MB | 158 pagine

Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - März 2015

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Playboy Deutschland (Germania) - März 2015 | ISSN 0939-8546 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy ist ein US-amerikanisches Männermagazin, das primär für erotische Fotografie bzw. Aktfotografie bekannt ist, aber sich auch in seinen Artikeln mit verschiedensten Lifestyle-Themen beschäftigt. Herausgeber der amerikanischen Ausgabe ist das Unternehmen Playboy Enterprises, das von Hugh Hefner gegründet und später von seiner Tochter Christie Hefner geleitet wurde. Es erscheint mittlerweile jeweils als Lizenzprodukt in der Landessprache und mit eigenen Themen in über 30 Ländern.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 0939-8546 | Deutsch | TRUE PDF | 28,1 MB | 156 pagine

domenica 1 marzo 2015

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 179 - November 2010

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 179 - November 2010 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 28,2 MB | 148 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 212 - July 2008

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 212 - July 2008 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,6 MB | 111 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 210 - May 2008

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 210 - May 2008 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 14,3 MB | 127 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 209 - April 2008

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 209 - April 2008 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 12 MB | 118 pagine

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