venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

TN TrasportoNotizie 2015-01 - Gennaio & Febbraio 2015

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TN TrasportoNotizie 2015-01 - Gennaio & Febbraio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Trasporti

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,65 MB | 21 pagine

Computer Bild Italia 203 - Febbraio 2015

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Computer Bild Italia 203 - Febbraio 2015 | ISSN 1824-9906 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Computer | Tecnologia
Computer Bild Italia è la versione italiana della rivista di tecnologia più venduta in Europa, è la testata più completa e aggiornata in materia di Tecnologia ed Elettronica di consumo. Test rigorosi, staff europeo altamente specializzato, accuratezza delle informazioni, fanno di Computer Bild Italia la migliore guida all'acquisto del mercato, la più autorevole. Indirizzata ad un lettore attento ai contenuti e alla precisione delle informazioni fornite, Computer Bild Italia è capace di interessare e coinvolgere sia l'utilizzatore evoluto sia l'utente alle prime armi.

ISSN 1824-9906 | Italiano | PDF HQ | 44,3 MB | 84 pagine

Tabloid di Ortopedia 2015-01 - Febbraio 2015

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Tabloid di Ortopedia 2015-01 - Febbraio 2015 | ISSN 1970-741X | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Medicina | Ortopedia
Mensile di informazione giornalistico scientifica rivolto agli ortopedici, ai reumatologi e ai fisiatri italiani.

ISSN 1970-741X | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,3 MB | 16 pagine

Confini. Aeromensile di prospezione sul futuro 33 - Febbraio 2015

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Confini. Aeromensile di prospezione sul futuro 33 - Febbraio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Economia | Politica | Lavoro

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 1,66 MB | 36 pagine

Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-03 - 16 Febbraio 2015

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Cor.Com. Il giornale dell'economia digitale e dell'innovazione 2015-03 - 16 Febbraio 2015 | TRUE PDF | Quindicinale | Tecnologia | Economia
Il nostro target vanta una connotazione unica e pregiata nel panorama dell'informazione digitale. Si tratta di amministratori delegati, manager, dirigenti, quadri, responsabili acquisti, decision maker del settore dell’Ict e delle aziende utilizzatrici oltre che dirigenti della pubblica amministrazione centrale e periferica, rappresentanti delle istituzioni, politici, mondo accademico, professionisti, giornalisti.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,17 MB | 32 pagine

Sbam! Comics. La rivista digitale a fumetti e sui fumetti 19 - Febbraio & Marzo 2015

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Sbam! Comics. La rivista digitale a fumetti e sui fumetti 19 - Febbraio & Marzo 2015 | TRUE PDF | Bimestrale | Fumetti
Se almeno una volta nella tua vita ti sei chiesto chi è più forte tra Hulk e La Cosa… Se hai mai letto Geppo o Nonna Abelarda… Se resti incantato da una splash page Marvel o da una tavola manga… Ma soprattutto: se sogni o hai mai sognato di diventare un FUMETTISTA… Sbam! Comics è la rivista che aspettavi!
Sbam! Comics è la rivista digitale a fumetti e sui fumetti. Esce ogni due mesi e presenta una vetrina di anticipazioni, recensioni e interviste sul mondo dei comics e vuole essere un punto di incontro e dibattito tra appassionati. Si propone inoltre di pubblicare le opere dei nuovi fumettisti e degli aspiranti professionisti: aspettiamo i vostri fumetti, vogliamo quelli che hanno sogni e tavole nel cassetto e cercano la possibilità di pubblicarli e farli conoscere.
Non vi poniamo limiti, o quasi, sui lavori che vorrete mandarci: non limiti di genere (avventura, umorismo, giallo, western, fantasy, quello che volete, purché entro ovvie regole di decenza e di buon gusto), non limiti di formato (questo è il bello della rivista digitale!), non limiti di lunghezza (oddio, questo un po’ sì, non mandateci Guerra e Pace fumettato a dispense settimanali!). Per ogni autore inoltre pubblichiamo – sia sulla rivista che su questo sito – un profilo di presentazione con il link al suo blog o al suo sito.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 36,1 MB | 184 pagine

Develop. Game design. Coding. Art sound. Business 158 - March 2015

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Develop. Game design. Coding. Art sound. Business 158 - March 2015 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Programmazione | Videogiochi | Tecnologia
Develop is the only European-based magazine totally focused on the games development sector. It benefits from being able to drill down into technical subjects and agenda-setting issues, whilst offering valuable tips and information to its readers.
Develop is written for creative staff working directly on game projects and using software tools on a daily basis. These include programmers, designers, producers, artists, animators, quality assurance managers, testing executives, audio professionals, musicians and more.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 12,3 MB | 80 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 230 - January 2010

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 230 - January 2010 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 22,2 MB | 64 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 232 - March 2010

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 232 - March 2010 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 28,3 MB | 64 pagine

Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 233 - April 2010

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Audio Media. The World's leading professional audio technology magazine 233 - April 2010 | ISSN 0960-7471 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Audio Media is the go-to publication for the audio production professional. It covers everything from gear and techniques through to the business of sound with a focus on the post, broadcast, game audio, recording, live, and mastering markets.
Audio Media is read around the world, both in print and online, with regular content including in-depth news analysis of the industry and the latest technology trends, in-situ gear reviews, case studies, studio and engineer profiles, show news, tutorials, and more.

ISSN 0960-7471 | English | TRUE PDF | 10 MB | 64 pagine

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 15 - August 2014

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AudioTechnology. The magazine for sound engineers & recording musicians 15 - August 2014 | ISSN 1440-2432 | CBR 96 dpi | Bimestrale | Professionisti | Audio Recording | Tecnologia | Broadcast
Since 1998 AudioTechnology Magazine has been one of the world’s best magazines for sound engineers and recording musicians. Published bi-monthly, AudioTechnology Magazine serves up a reliably stimulating mix of news, interviews with professional engineers and producers, inspiring tutorials, and authoritative product reviews penned by industry pros. Whether your principal speciality is in Live, Recording/Music Production, Post or Broadcast you’ll get a real kick out of this wonderfully presented, lovingly-written publication.

ISSN 1440-2432 | English
PDF HQ | 56 pagine | 11,1 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 56 pagine | 12,3 MB

Australian Mining - September 2013

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Australian Mining - September 2013 | ISSN 0004-976X | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Impianti | Lavoro | Distribuzione
Established in 1908, Australian Mining magazine keeps you informed on the latest news and innovation in the industry.

ISSN 0004-976X | English
PDF HQ | 64 pagine | 14,9 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 64 pagine | 16,2 MB

Australian Mining - October 2013

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Australian Mining - October 2013 | ISSN 0004-976X | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Professionisti | Impianti | Lavoro | Distribuzione
Established in 1908, Australian Mining magazine keeps you informed on the latest news and innovation in the industry.

ISSN 0004-976X | English
PDF HQ | 68 pagine | 16 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 68 pagine | 17,3 MB

ToyNews 141 - July 2013

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ToyNews 141 - July 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 52,6 MB | 84 pagine

ToyNews 142 - August 2013

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ToyNews 142 - August 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 53,6 MB | 84 pagine

ToyNews 143 - September 2013

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ToyNews 143 - September 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 54 MB | 92 pagine

ToyNews 145 - November 2013

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ToyNews 145 - November 2013 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 44,6 MB | 74 pagine

ToyNews 147 - January & February 2014

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ToyNews 147 - January & February 2014 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 31,6 MB | 234 pagine

ToyNews 148 - March 2014

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ToyNews 148 - March 2014 | ISSN 1740-3308 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Distribuzione | Retail | Marketing | Giocattoli
ToyNews is the market leading toy industry magazine.
We serve the toy trade - licensing, marketing, distribution, retail, toy wholesale and more, with a focus on editorial quality.
We cover both the UK and international toy market.
We are members of the BTHA and you’ll find us every year at Toy Fair.
The toy business reads ToyNews.

ISSN 1740-3308 | English | TRUE PDF | 8,58 MB | 76 pagine

TVBEurope. Europe’s television technology business magazine - March 2009

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TVBEurope. Europe’s television technology business magazine - March 2009 | ISSN 1461-4197 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Broadcast | Comunicazione
TVBEurope is the leading European broadcast media publication and business platform providing news and analysis, business profiles and case studies on the latest industry developments. Whether it is emerging technology from the world of broadcast workflow or multi-platform content, TVBEurope is at the heart of it all as the leading source of content across the entire broadcast chain.
TVBEurope’s monthly magazine offers readers an insight into the broadcast world through a mix of features, interviews, case studies and topical forums.
TVBEurope’s own in-house conferences and specialist roundtables have built up a strong reputation and following, offering in-depth analysis of the challenges and developments in Beyond HD and IT Broadcast Workflow. TVBEurope also hosts the prestigious broadcast media awards gala, the TVBAwards.

ISSN 1461-4197 | English | TRUE PDF | 8,75 MB | 48 pagine

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