martedì 19 novembre 2019

Hifi Pig Magazine 5 - April 2014

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Hifi Pig Magazine 5 - April 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Hi-Fi | Elettronica | Impianti
At Hifi Pig we snoofle out the latest hifi and audio news so you don't have to. We'll include news of the latest shows and the latest hifi and audiophile audio product releases from around the world.
If you are an audiophile addict, hi fi Junkie, or just have a passing interest in hifi and audio then you are in the right place.
We review loudspeakers, turntables, arms and cartridges, CD players, amplifiers and pre-amplifiers, phono stages, DACs, Headphones, hifi cables and audiophile accessories. If you think there's something we need to review then let us know and we'll do our best! Our reviews will help you choose what hi fi is the best hifi for you and help you decide which hifi is best to avoid. We understand that taste hifi systems and music is personal and we strongly suggest you visit your hifi dealer and request a home demonstration if possible.
Our reviewers are all hifi enthusiasts and audiophiles with a great deal of experience in a wide range of audio, hi fi, and audiophile products. Of course hifi reviews can only go so far and we know that choosing what hifi to buy can be a difficult, not to mention expensive decision and that's why our hi fi reviews aim to be as informative as possible.
As well as hifi reviews, we also pass comment on aspects of the hifi industry, the audiophile hobby and audio in general. These comments will sometimes be contentious and thought provoking, but we will always try to present our views on hifi and hi fi audio in a balanced and fair manner. You can also give your views on these pages so get stuck in!
Of course your hi fi system (including the best loudspeakers, audiophile cd player, hifi amplifiers, hi fi turntable and what not) is useless unless you have music to play on it - that's what a hifi system is for after all. You'll find our music reviews wide and varied, covering almost every genre of music you can think of.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 10 MB | 77 pagine

Hifi Pig Magazine 6 - May 2014

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Hifi Pig Magazine 6 - May 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Hi-Fi | Elettronica | Impianti
At Hifi Pig we snoofle out the latest hifi and audio news so you don't have to. We'll include news of the latest shows and the latest hifi and audiophile audio product releases from around the world.
If you are an audiophile addict, hi fi Junkie, or just have a passing interest in hifi and audio then you are in the right place.
We review loudspeakers, turntables, arms and cartridges, CD players, amplifiers and pre-amplifiers, phono stages, DACs, Headphones, hifi cables and audiophile accessories. If you think there's something we need to review then let us know and we'll do our best! Our reviews will help you choose what hi fi is the best hifi for you and help you decide which hifi is best to avoid. We understand that taste hifi systems and music is personal and we strongly suggest you visit your hifi dealer and request a home demonstration if possible.
Our reviewers are all hifi enthusiasts and audiophiles with a great deal of experience in a wide range of audio, hi fi, and audiophile products. Of course hifi reviews can only go so far and we know that choosing what hifi to buy can be a difficult, not to mention expensive decision and that's why our hi fi reviews aim to be as informative as possible.
As well as hifi reviews, we also pass comment on aspects of the hifi industry, the audiophile hobby and audio in general. These comments will sometimes be contentious and thought provoking, but we will always try to present our views on hifi and hi fi audio in a balanced and fair manner. You can also give your views on these pages so get stuck in!
Of course your hi fi system (including the best loudspeakers, audiophile cd player, hifi amplifiers, hi fi turntable and what not) is useless unless you have music to play on it - that's what a hifi system is for after all. You'll find our music reviews wide and varied, covering almost every genre of music you can think of.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 8,02 MB | 72 pagine

Data Centre & Network News 5 - February 2019

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Data Centre & Network News 5 - February 2019 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Informatica | Hardware | Telecomunicazioni
Magazine, born from the union of DCN & NCN in late 2018, dedicated to IT & telco decision makers at datacentre operators, cloud service providers and those enterprise users.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 5,77 MB | 60 pagine

Data Centre & Network News 6 - March 2019

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Data Centre & Network News 6 - March 2019 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Informatica | Hardware | Telecomunicazioni
Magazine, born from the union of DCN & NCN in late 2018, dedicated to IT & telco decision makers at datacentre operators, cloud service providers and those enterprise users.

ISSN N.A. | English | TRUE PDF | 5,73 MB | 54 pagine

Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 13 (2012-03) - Novembre 2012

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Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 13 (2012-03) - Novembre 2012 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Celiachia | Diabete | Medicina | Salute
GLUNews è un network di informazione e aggiornamento rivolto ad un pubblico interessato al mondo del diabete.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 0,75 MB | 32 pagine

Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 16 (2013-03) - Ottobre 2013

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Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 16 (2013-03) - Ottobre 2013 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Celiachia | Diabete | Medicina | Salute
GLUNews è un network di informazione e aggiornamento rivolto ad un pubblico interessato al mondo del diabete.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 2,81 MB | 32 pagine

Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 14 (2013-01) - Febbraio 2013

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Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 14 (2013-01) - Febbraio 2013 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Celiachia | Diabete | Medicina | Salute
GLUNews è un network di informazione e aggiornamento rivolto ad un pubblico interessato al mondo del diabete.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,16 MB | 32 pagine

Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 15 (2013-02) - Giugno 2013

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Glu News. Periodico di aggiornamento per diabetici 15 (2013-02) - Giugno 2013 | TRUE PDF | Quadrimestrale | Celiachia | Diabete | Medicina | Salute
GLUNews è un network di informazione e aggiornamento rivolto ad un pubblico interessato al mondo del diabete.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 3,33 MB | 32 pagine

Rock Meeting 25 - Setembro 2011

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Rock Meeting 25 - Setembro 2011 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Musica | Metal | Rock | Recensioni
Rock Meeting é una revista digital criada em 2009 com o objetivo de movimentar a cena de Rock underground de Alagoas. Atualmente, é conhecida nacional e internacionalmente.

ISSN N.A. | Português
PDF HQ | 34 pagine | 6,88 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 34 pagine | 7,86 MB

Rock Meeting 48 - Setembro 2013

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Rock Meeting 48 - Setembro 2013 | CBR 96 dpi | Mensile | Musica | Metal | Rock | Recensioni
Rock Meeting é una revista digital criada em 2009 com o objetivo de movimentar a cena de Rock underground de Alagoas. Atualmente, é conhecida nacional e internacionalmente.

ISSN N.A. | Português
PDF HQ | 46 pagine | 9,32 MB
CBR 96 dpi | 46 pagine | 10,3 MB

Fondi & Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio 119 - Novembre 2019

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Fondi & Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio 119 - Novembre 2019 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Banche | Mercati | Professionisti
Fondi e Sicav. Conoscere per investire al meglio è il magazine mensile dedicato ai professionisti del risparmio, gestori, promotori, SGR, SICAV, SIM, Banche: uno strumento per conoscere e investire al meglio.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 6,96 MB | 68 pagine

Il Settimanale di Quotidiano Immobiliare 301 - 16 Novembre 2019

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Il Settimanale di Quotidiano Immobiliare 301 - 16 Novembre 2019 | TRUE PDF | Settimanale | Professionisti | Investimenti | Immobili
Il Settimanale di Quotidiano Immobiliare è un magazine che ogni sabato si rivolge a società immobiliari, promotori, investitori qualificati e istituzionali, fondi immobiliari e SGR, banche d'affari, associazioni di categoria, istituti di ricerca, università, manager, imprenditori, società di servizi, consulenti e professionisti.
Ogni numero si prefigge l'obbiettivo di approfondire notizie e fatti di attualità e curisità degli ultimi 7 giorni del mercato immobiliare italiano, curato dalla redazione de il Quotidiano Immobiliare. Il Settimanale raggiunge oltre 15.000 lettori tutte le settimane.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,61 MB | 41 pagine

L'Ammonitore. Periodico d'informazione per l'industria meccanica 2019-08 - Ottobre 2019

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L'Ammonitore. Periodico d'informazione per l'industria meccanica 2019-08 - Ottobre 2019 | ISSN 0003-1925 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Industria | Meccanica | Energia | Tecnologia
Dal 1945 un’unica testata per tutti i settori dell’industria meccanica.
Da quasi 70 anni L'Ammonitore è il giornale di riferimento della produzione industriale, con informazioni sempre aggiornate e un punto di vista obiettivo e qualificato sull’evoluzione del mercato delle macchine utensili, della lamiera, degli utensili, della subfornitura e della trasmissione di potenza.
In ogni edizione sono presenti inchieste sui temi più attuali quali l’innovazione tecnologica e la sostenibilità nelle produzioni; interviste ai protagonisti del panorama industriale; analisi di mercato sempre aggiornate e approfondimenti sulle ultime novità di prodotto.
Altri argomenti di interesse per il settore industriale e che non mancheranno all’interno del programma editoriale sono la formazione qualificata di cui c’è sempre maggiore necessità, la sicurezza, la logistica e la movimentazione delle merci, l’automazione, i trattamenti e le finiture.

ISSN 0003-1925 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,44 MB | 32 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - April 2018

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WATT Poultry USA - April 2018 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,76 MB | 72 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - February 2018

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WATT Poultry USA - February 2018 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 8,11 MB | 56 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - February 2019

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WATT Poultry USA - February 2019 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,77 MB | 64 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - November 2017

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WATT Poultry USA - November 2017 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 8,33 MB | 52 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - January 2019

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WATT Poultry USA - January 2019 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 9,89 MB | 60 pagine

WATT Poultry USA - September 2017

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WATT Poultry USA - September 2017 | ISSN 1529-1677 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Tecnologia | Distribuzione | Animali | Mangimi
WATT Poultry USA is a monthly magazine serving poultry professionals engaged in business ranging from the start of Production through Poultry Processing.
WATT Poultry USA brings you every month the latest news on poultry production, processing and marketing. Regular features include First News containing the latest news briefs in the industry, Publisher's Say commenting on today's business and communication, By the numbers reporting the current Economic Outlook, Poultry Prospective with the Economic Analysis and Product Review of the hottest products on the market.

ISSN 1529-1677 | English | TRUE PDF | 10,3 MB | 60 pagine

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