domenica 23 novembre 2014

Playboy Bulgaria - May 2010

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Playboy Bulgaria - May 2010 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 54,3 MB | 124 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria - May 2011

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Playboy Bulgaria - May 2011 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 101 MB | 122 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria - September 2011

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Playboy Bulgaria - September 2011 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 76,1 MB | 122 pagine

Playboy Bulgaria - November 2012

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Playboy Bulgaria - November 2012 | ISSN 1312-0069 | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1312-0069 | Bulgarian | PDF HQ | 108 MB | 122 pagine

sabato 22 novembre 2014

Il Fatto Quotidiano del 18 Marzo 2013

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Il Fatto Quotidiano del 18 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 2037-089X | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
Il quotidiano è edito dal 23 settembre 2009. L'uscita del giornale è stata preceduta da una lunga fase preparatoria iniziata il 28 maggio 2009 con l'annuncio del nuovo quotidiano dato sul blog da Marco Travaglio.
Il nome della testata è stato scelto in memoria del giornalista Enzo Biagi, conduttore del programma televisivo Il Fatto, mentre il logo del bambino con il megafono si ispira al quotidiano La Voce, in omaggio al suo fondatore Indro Montanelli.
L'editore ha manifestato la volontà di rinunciare ai fondi del finanziamento pubblico per l'editoria e di sovvenzionarsi soltanto con i proventi della pubblicità e delle vendite, e di usufruire solo delle tariffe postali agevolate per i prodotti editoriali sino alla loro abrogazione nell'aprile 2010.

ISSN 2037-089X | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 11,1 MB | 24 pagine

Il Fatto Quotidiano del 16 Marzo 2013

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Il Fatto Quotidiano del 16 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 2037-089X | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
Il quotidiano è edito dal 23 settembre 2009. L'uscita del giornale è stata preceduta da una lunga fase preparatoria iniziata il 28 maggio 2009 con l'annuncio del nuovo quotidiano dato sul blog da Marco Travaglio.
Il nome della testata è stato scelto in memoria del giornalista Enzo Biagi, conduttore del programma televisivo Il Fatto, mentre il logo del bambino con il megafono si ispira al quotidiano La Voce, in omaggio al suo fondatore Indro Montanelli.
L'editore ha manifestato la volontà di rinunciare ai fondi del finanziamento pubblico per l'editoria e di sovvenzionarsi soltanto con i proventi della pubblicità e delle vendite, e di usufruire solo delle tariffe postali agevolate per i prodotti editoriali sino alla loro abrogazione nell'aprile 2010.

ISSN 2037-089X | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 10,2 MB | 24 pagine

Corriere della Sera del 16 Marzo 2013

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Corriere della Sera del 16 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 1120-4982 | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
Il Corriere della Sera è uno storico quotidiano italiano, primo per diffusione, con 445.000 copie di media giornaliera nel luglio 2012. Ha sede a Milano ed è pubblicato da RCS MediaGroup.
Il Corriere della Sera nacque nel febbraio del 1876 quando Eugenio Torelli Viollier, direttore de La Lombardia, e Riccardo Pavesi, editore della medesima, decisero di fondare un nuovo giornale.

ISSN 1120-4982 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 12,3 MB | 72 pagine

Corriere della Sera del 15 Marzo 2013

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Corriere della Sera del 15 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 1120-4982 | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
Il Corriere della Sera è uno storico quotidiano italiano, primo per diffusione, con 445.000 copie di media giornaliera nel luglio 2012. Ha sede a Milano ed è pubblicato da RCS MediaGroup.
Il Corriere della Sera nacque nel febbraio del 1876 quando Eugenio Torelli Viollier, direttore de La Lombardia, e Riccardo Pavesi, editore della medesima, decisero di fondare un nuovo giornale.

ISSN 1120-4982 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 16,3 MB | 64 pagine

Corriere della Sera del 14 Marzo 2013

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Corriere della Sera del 14 Marzo 2013 | ISSN 1120-4982 | TRUE PDF | Quotidiano | Cronaca | Politica
Il Corriere della Sera è uno storico quotidiano italiano, primo per diffusione, con 445.000 copie di media giornaliera nel luglio 2012. Ha sede a Milano ed è pubblicato da RCS MediaGroup.
Il Corriere della Sera nacque nel febbraio del 1876 quando Eugenio Torelli Viollier, direttore de La Lombardia, e Riccardo Pavesi, editore della medesima, decisero di fondare un nuovo giornale.

ISSN 1120-4982 | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 18,9 MB | 64 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 175 - July 2010

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 175 - July 2010 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 32,5 MB | 148 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 172 - April 2010

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 172 - April 2010 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF MQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF MQ | 47,7 MB | 148 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 176 - August 2010

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 176 - August 2010 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 33,8 MB | 148 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 150 - June 2008

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 150 - June 2008 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 83,2 MB | 202 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 186 - June 2011

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 186 - June 2011 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 102 MB | 130 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 147 - March 2008

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 147 - March 2008 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 57,2 MB | 170 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 194 - February 2012

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 194 - February 2012 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 74,3 MB | 130 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 144 - December 2007

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 144 - December 2007 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 73,9 MB | 234 pagine

Playboy Greece (Grecia) 206 - March 2013

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Playboy Greece (Grecia) 206 - March 2013 | ISSN 1107-714X | PDF HQ | Mensile | Uomini | Erotismo | Attualità | Moda
Playboy was founded in 1953, and is the best-selling monthly men’s magazine in the world ! Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance.
Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide.

ISSN 1107-714X | Greek | PDF HQ | 54,1 MB | 132 pagine

C+VG Computer+Videogiochi 37 - Maggio 1994

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C+VG Computer+Videogiochi 37 - Maggio 1994 | CBR 300 dpi | Mensile | Videogiochi
C+VG Computer+Videogiochi era una rivista dedicata ai videogiochi edita dal Gruppo Editoriale Jackson. La rivista era la controparte italiana della rivista inglese Computer and Video Games edita da Emap, che a quel tempo risultava essere la rivista di videogiochi più venduta al mondo.
Con C+VG Computer+Videogiochi il Gruppo Editoriale Jackson cercava di rientrare nell'editoria dei videogiochi dopo la chiusura della precedente storica rivista Videogiochi. Tra i suoi redattori la rivista poteva vantare la presenza di Fabio Rossi, famoso per essere stato uno dei primi videogiocatori professionisti italiani.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano
PDF HQ | 148 pagine | 28,8 MB
CBR 300 dpi | 148 pagine | 31,3 MB

Detergo - Giugno 2014

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Detergo - Giugno 2014 | TRUE PDF | Mensile | Professionisti | Pulitura a Secco | Lavanderia | Detergenti
Rivista di Lavanderia Industriale e Pulitura a Secco.
The industrial laundry and dry cleaning magazine.
Tutte le news sulla lavanderia industriale italiana, produttori di macchina, detergenti e attrezzature.

ISSN N.A. | Italiano | TRUE PDF | 5,68 MB | 68 pagine

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